Who I used to be.

Start from the beginning

About eight months ago I had told Kiara that I was questioning some things. I love her but I don't know if it's as my best friend or more. I know I like guys but Kiara is the only woman I can see myself with, even though several lesbians and bi girls had hit on me before. We had joked for years about having sex with each other and being married but at the time it was always a joke, it happened anytime all the time and still does. It's almost like a switch of us turning each other on and off, the most fun is when it's in the last place we should be doing it.  Even our mutual friends joined in. That's part of why Aris hates my guts. Not my fault I'd fuck his woman better than he could.

"Well," I said kind of numb and cold.

"Are you ok, Lu?" Kiara asked, "is this a mistake? Me moving in?" Kiara and I had been there for each other through everything and knew each other better than anyone. We both had seen the other go through some of the darkest times in our lives there was no lying to each other, we could see right through it. We knew when something was bothering the other one. Comes with being best friends for almost a decade.

"It's not a mistake, Kē," I looked over at her and put my hand on her thigh,"and quit calling me Lu." We both smiled. My name is Luna Ann. Since we were kids Kiara has called me Lu or Lulu because she heard one of my "brothers" say it. She took her hand and put it in the side of my ripped shirt, it exposed my side and breast, and on my black bra. She squeezed my double d and a pulse went through my body. "Not while I'm drivin." I moved her hand out of my shirt. She giggled knowing what she had just done.

"Are you sure your parents don't care that I'm moving in?" Kiara continued.

"Positive," I replied.

"But I've only worked for around 6 months, my car was given to me, and it took me forever to get my permit, and you've worked since you turned 16, got your permit and license first try on both as soon as you could, and your truck is paid off."

"I worked cause I had too, I've been drivin since I was 5 so the test was nothin new, and Rebel was given to me he just needed some work. Damn thing was only 17 dollars to get put in my name and I've spent over 2 grand to fix it."

We just drove on down the road to my parents' little double wide trailer with a double car garage Daddy and I built last summer. It's in the middle of a large forested field good for hunting. When we pulled in a flock of turkeys was in the front yard. I stopped the truck just short of the house to not scare them away. I honestly just wanted to watch them.

We pulled on into the driveway but I don't park in the garage, that's for Momma's car, Daddy's motorcycle, and my four wheeler, and the birds scattered. "Luna, am I gonna wake up to gun shots?" Kiara asked.

"It's very likely," I laughed.

The two of us each grabbed a armload and took everything inside. We packed the three garbage bags and one plastic tote to my room that we'd now share. My full size loft bed now a bunk bed with a twin size underneath. I had prepared, reorganized, and rebuilt my room for 8 months just for this day.

We set everything down and Kiara sat on her made bed. "I can't believe I'm doin this," she squealed, "I've wanted to get away from that bitch for years."

I smiled and looked over at her, "yeah." I was tired I had worked all this week at the Taco Bell five miles down the road. I started 15 days after I turned 16. I'll be 17 next month.

"Wonder how she'll react when I ain't there when she get home tonight," Kiara beamed.

"She'll be pissed but you're 18 now. There ain't a damn thing she can do," I said sitting down next to her.

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