once feeble/Dare I!

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I tell a tale of old:
One in which I was everything but bold
One in which I was Afraid to look up and behold
The beauties and wonders foretold
You know, the ones we heard would unfold.
Feebleness sank deep into my bones
And I always hung around the safe zone
Hiding away in my little hole
Afraid I'd say something wrong
Scared I'd maybe break a bond
Scared I'd never be able to say No
Even when I know it's wrong

Now that I've been reintroduced
The story has been denatured
Feebleness, timidity and fear has been fractured
The old me, I constantly banter
And this new me is constantly bolstered.
I once saw a note on the walls of my room when I entered
A note I put there a long time ago.
On the note were these words registered
"Who has believed my report"
They say a timely word is nothing but gold

It struck me like lightening
I felt my mind enlighten
Cause I've been distressed lately
But what other place can I go for counseling
And then my eyes widened
I took a sit and grabbed my Bible
I went straight to the book of Isaiah, proverbs Matthew, James... you name it.
I knew I was in for a deep lesson
But it's something I signed up for
Because Dare I!

Dare I believe the prophets report
Dare I trust and abide in God's word
Dare I come clean when ever I mess up
Dare I try to control my words and actions
Dare I surrender my will and embrace God's
Dare I speak forth what I've been taught

Dare I look up to God as my only source
Dare I walk on water even in rough tides
Dare I lock my wings in heavy storms and soar
Dare I walk in faith perforce
Dare I see it as a necessity
Dare I! Even when times are tough
Dare I wait on the Lord knowing He'd reinforce

Dare I laugh in the face of distress
With confidence in the name of the Lord
Dare I walk the path and not digress
Dare I rise, shine and show myself distinguished
Dare I unfold from glory to glory
Dare I speak in the name of the Lord
Dare I abide in the presence of Yahweh

The list is endless but Dare I!
Dare I trade war for peace,
Weakness for strength
Dare I trade lack for abundance
Dare I recognize and grasp
The power from on high
Dare I move from bondage to liberty.
Dare I prefer wisdom to folly
Dare I sprinkle circumspection on my free will
Dare I Detach to Attach
I Dare you.

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