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Pull me away, pull me away
Dear Lord pull me away
I prayed!
then walked back with glue on my hands,
to the things I want so badly to avoid.
This time I was trying to fill a void.
But you said "take heed lest you fall"
I heard your words caress my heart
Right before it went stone cold hard
Lord, this could have been forestalled

By who?
By me?
"God shouldn't have let me"
Oh, I think "I" shouldn't have let me
I heard her loud and clear when she spoke...

She said "Detach, pull yourself away from those things you hold so tightly that you shouldn't, you know those things you say and do that exalts themselves against the knowledge of God. They don't define you, neither do they make life better, take heed"

The things I chose pulled me away from you
But I wanted to be pulled towards you.
I said to my self, Lord draw me close to you
But you never moved
You waited, you said "draw near unto me, I'm right here, I will never leave you"
Dang right! It was me who left you.

I wanted you to pull me away from the fraud, lies and deciet
The fornication and sick things that lie beneath
The so called fun I chose to resit.
Like an exam I can't afford to forfeit
Back and forth with the mundane, How I wished to resist.

Deaf to the words you speak, but you still speak it.
Broken to the floor,
Still, a refusal to admit
To all of the sins I would commit
The things the flesh wanted that I'd permit
A refusal to surrender so you would remit
I shut the door to you so I could explore
And then glued my hands to the things I should dispatch.
But then your word says Detach!.

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