Solo in a grotto

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Had my chance but then I blew it
Walked with you and when I saw it
I waved goodbye and then I walked in
Didn't realize I let your hand go.
When it called out, I couldn't say no
Was too focused on the demo
So I took my eyes off the long-term goal.

Thought you'd be there with me
But when I walked in I found you missing
Guess I forgot I said goodbye
Had me pissed but who am I kidding
With all I saw, there was no reason
to hold on to things that I just haven't seen
Even though you say you've given
I might as well just hold on to this while I'm waiting.

So I walked solo in a grotto
I felt so low I needed an Amigo
Had my mind dazed
You could say it went ghetto
Thought it could help, you know the amaretto
Drank so much, I got so slow
Still I could see the afterglow
Of the peace I felt outside the grotto

Watched the demo but when I got in
Things switched up, it was not for me
Wouldn't be wrong to say it looked promising
But your words, now those are for me
Now that you're gone and my peace is missing
I realise the mundane
which is all I've asked for
Isn't for me if you're offshore

Surrounded by all you that you are
And all that you've given
But just cause I couldn't see it yet,
I gave in to reason and got entangled
Waved goodbye and couldn't find you
But you still found a way to me and that was lit

I couldn't see you,
but that's because I didn't want to.
Still you made a way for me to see
A way to come get me out of the grotto
If my eyes weren't working, my ears would.
I heard words in alto and then a falsetto
"I have made of you a new, sharp threshing implement with sharp edges; You will thresh the mountains and crush them, And make the hills like chaff".

And when I couldn't hear the voices no more
My knees hit the floor
What's this cave that I am burried in
That I cannot tear down
These walls are nothing
compared to who I am in Christ
Or who Christ is inside of me.
You put a song in my heart
A song of worship and prayer
A simple solo, a surrender to my maker.
I sang a solo in a grotto

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