Ms. Catastrophe

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"Diane Everheart" we both said.
"How?" I asked
"Well let's see everything in here. She was abducted after her birth by a Jewish crime couple who leads a known nationwide syndicate who surgically removes high-profile people who they think will impede on their endgoal of controlling the nation by puppeteering the president. They trained her first in petty crimes and felony all the way up to asassinating a German senator. They were caught in '99 and has disappeared in their cells, with traces of their blood stained on the bed. Diane grew up working her way up the syndicate while also living a second life as a student of psychology. Her new target is temporal manipulation to be able to alter the timeline to her desire."

"I didn't know, how did we not know her background?"

"This isn't exactly public information the computer found this apparently because a former member leaked the info after getting arrested for drunk driving."

"What if it's fake?" I asked.

"It can't be fake, she goes to 6 locations within the city that forms David's star, I assume it's where her crime friends are"

"Why do you think a big deal criminal like her would date me? Unless..."

"Unless she knew..."

I quickly teleported Brandon and I to Utopia, we ran to find Patty and Allen.

"Find Patty" I said.

I ran into Allen, and quickly talked to him.

"We need to go now. Our entire operation might be sabotaged."

"By who?"


"My God."

We ran somewhere without people and cameras and teleported to the Hive.

"What happened?" Patty asked

"Diane", I replied. "Diane Everheart"

"The girl you were dating" Allen added

"Yes, her, she. She is the leader of a big syndicate who is trying to get into time manipulation tech, the earthquake? That's her team, one of our propulsion prototypes were stolen the same day that happened. She wants to date me because she knows I'm Chronos."

"Oh no" Brandon said, "if she got her hands on you,"

"She can replicate my abilities, I know" I said.

I started to suit up. "Do you have a plan?" Brandon asked.

"I have a pending one" I replied, and I checked the computer for facial recognition.  

I went to her last known location, slowed down time and checked the 500 meter radius. Sure enough, Diane was there, preparing with her team, when suddenly, she started moving as fast as me. "Came to join us?" she asked. 

"How are you doing this?" I said.

"One of the prototypes the military is working on, it vibrates your molecules fast enough to experience  slowed down time"

"You can't keep using it for so long, you cannot handle it because-"

"Because I'm a woman?"

"Because your unedited cells will not be able to hold the amount of energy your tech is currently emitting. You will turn into human soup in less than an hour, you do not regenerate fast enough to keep up with the energy"

"Let's go somewhere shall we?"

We  teleported into a mountainside. "You might as well take off your mask, the only people in here are the ones that know you already, Clockworth". I took off my mask and started to talk to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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