001: Departure x with x friends

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A bright light entered your vision as you open your eyes, you looked around in awe at the scenery before you but wondered how and where you are right now.

Ah, that's right...

This was the first thing you saw when you first got into this world.

Opening your eyes for the second time, you saw the familiar ceiling of Gon's place. You smiled a bit before sitting up, chuckling as you glanced at the window. Now you're wondering why you had dreamt about that place.

"[N/N]! I'm going now" Gon appeared beside you as you sighed, so used to Gon appearing everywhere. "Good luck" You whispered, afraid that Aunt Mito and Granny would wake up. Gon nodded, already feeling excited by hearing your voice. A few seconds passed, and Gon and you didn't move. You raised a brow at him, however, he only grinned childishly while you rolled your eyes.

Mwuah! Planting a small kiss on Gon's forehead, you ushered him out before locking the door. Forehead kisses started when Gon caught you planting a small kiss on his forehead one time when you thought he was sleeping, did you regret it? Yesn't.

You stretched your arms with a groan, time to get ready for training!

Training? Yup, Training with the animals from the forest. You want to go do some badass moves but can't, not without practice or what you call, Training.

You went outside to be greeted by the still dark sky; it is still pretty early after all. Chirps reached your ears as you smiled softly, "Good Morning" You greeted the birds who greeted back.

"Morning!" [Sparrow name] chirped, A sparrow friend of yours.

"Morning! Azeria told us to tell you-" [Sparrow 2 name] chirped next as they informed you. You can understand animals, That's an ability you got when you got here in this world.

"-To get ready! He said he doesn't have-"

"-To much time to wait for you! Geez-"

"-Even though he has plenty of time!"

You chuckled lightly at the little things. You gave them a light peck before they flew away, you sprinted towards the forest.

Having many animal friends is pretty cool, that's why you want to travel around the world and make friends with animals. Make your name known that people would scream "So cool!" If they ever heard your name. 

Time flew by, and while you were playing hide and seek with your animal friends, you heard a commotion by the harbor. Eaten by curiosity, you decided to check it out.

"I wonder what's wrong..." You furrowed your eyebrows worriedly as the two sparrows on your shoulder chirped, "Don't worry [N/N]!-"

"-We'll be here!" The two chirped as they snuggled on your neck. You smiled at them, they're so cute~!

"Oh! [Name]! Nice timing, Come 'ere!" You nodded and followed, "Look at Gon, that boy's like his father" The man shook his head as your eyes widened at Gon's figure, standing proudly with the giant fish beside him. Man, it was this day?

You gloomily smiled before heading back towards Gon's place, it's time to pack your things! 

You smiled sadly at your little sparrow friends while they tilted their head. "Can you two call the others?" You requested which they immediately followed.

After a while, when you're almost done packing your things, your friends arrived. You heard Aunt Mito screamed after all.

"Am I that scary...?" You heard teddy bear groaned, teddy bear aka [Bear name]. You laughed a little as Aunt Mito trembled and laughed nervously while backing away.

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