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Maui, Hawaii
2 weeks later
You woke up with a naked Tom on top of you, and the Hawaii sun warming your face. You and your husband had been on your honeymoon for a week and a half, and loving every moment of it. Sex 4 to 7 times a day, lots of long talks and late night swims. Tom's head was buried in your neck. The covers had fallen out exposing his entire backside of his body to you. You sighed. He was covered in freckles from being in the sun so much. He looked quite beautiful. You would've let him sleep longer, but you missed him. You gently shook his shoulder. He nuzzled into your neck. That was his little way of telling you that he was awake. He fluttered his beautiful eyes open and looked up at you.
"Mm." He hummed. You sighed and smiled hazily down at him.
"Morning." You purred. He looked back at his naked body and furrowed his brows.
"I'm so pale my god." He muttered in a sleepy morning voice that you found to be incredibly attractive. You squeezed him tightly.
"You are very pretty Tom." You told him. He grunted.
"Pretty?" He replied. You nodded and kissed his freckled forehead.
"Very." You purred. He raised his eyebrows.
"Hm." He hummed. You chuckled and pushed some of his hair back from his forehead.
"What- you don't like 'pretty?'" You ask him. He shrugged.
"I mean.. it's not my least favorite." He trailed off. You smirked and leaned down to kiss him. His hand came up to delicately rest on your cheek. You kissed for a while before pulling away.
"What do you wanna do today?" You wondered. Tom paused in thought.
"Mm. I know! Kill the president!" He announced. You lowered your eyebrows at him. He shrugged. You chuckled and pushed him off of you, sitting up and laying your head on the headboard. Tom curled up and placed his head on your lap, looking up at you sleepy large eyes. You began to play with his hair as he rattled off ideas for your day. You decided to go hang out on the beach. Again. You got dressed in your green bikini with a sundress over it, and Tom in cargo shorts and a half-unbuttoned white shirt. You headed down the elevator of the hotel and out to the beach. The resort that you were staying at was beautiful. You used to go there as a child, and it was more magical upon each return. The beaches were almost white sanded, and the ocean was clear and blue. The hotel was very fancy too, which added to the allure. You brought your towels down to the fairly empty beach and set up a place to relax. Tom set your towels down next to eachother so that you could both lay down. You hung out for a while, talking and laughing about whatever. After a while, you decided that you wanted to walk down the beach to find some seashells. Tom stayed back and read his book. You got a few cool shells, but came back to get Tom because you missed him. You pulled him up by his hand and led him away to take a walk down the sunlit beach.
"Any word on Jane?" You asked him. Tom tensed his jaw and looked off into the distance of the ocean.
"No. All I know is that it should be anyday now." He informed. You nodded.
"Do you know if she wants you there when it's born?" You wondered. Tom shrugged.
"I guess that she does? I feel like I should, regardless. I mean, it's my kid." Tom sighed. You exhaled. You weren't sure of your place in all of this. The Jane situation was very complicated, and quite messy. You didn't want to make it messier.
"Um- Tom. Do you think she'd want me there? Just to help out?" You asked. Tom looked over at you and bit his lip.
"You know, I'm not sure. I can call and ask." He told you. You nodded and gave his hand a squeeze. You looked down at your sandals, which were causing your feet to blister from all the walking. Tom noticed your stammering legs and cocked an eyebrow at you.
"You okay there?" He asked. You winced at a particularly sharp sting of soreness and threw him a thumbs up.
"Uh- yep. Yep." You winced through a strained smile. Tom furrowed his brows and looked down at your feet. He groaned.
"Come here." He sighed. You gave him a confused face. He rose his eyebrows and patted his back.
"Come." He urged. You smiled at him and scurried over to be hoisted up onto his back. Tom began to walk back down the beach to the hotel, carrying you with impressive ease. You wrapped your arms around him and rode his back all the way back to your hotel room. A group of teenage girls giggled when you came by, whispering amongst themselves.
"Isn't that guy that got Jane Fonda pregnant?" One said. Tom shot them a look which caused them to shut up pretty quick. He had that sort of effect on people. His presence was powerful. You arrived back at the hotel room, where Tom softly set you down on the bed. You sighed and watched as he unbuttoned his shirt all the way.
"It's hot." He muttured, wiping a bead of sweat from his freckled forehead. You raised your eyebrows in agreement.
"I'll say." You affirmed. Tom furrowed his eyebrows and checked his watch.
"Hm." He muttured. You sat up.
"What?" You wondered. Tom shook his head.
"Funny." He breathed out. You widened your eyes at him. He chuckled.
"What's funny?" You inquired, switching to a criss cross position. Tom bit his lip.
"It's just the time." He scoffed. You groaned and shot your hands up to your hair in frustration.
"Time for what?" You insisted. Tom looked up at you.
"High time I fuck you darling." He chuckled. You rolled your eyes so far back into your head that you feared that they'd never fall into their regular place again.
"You are unbelievable. Never having sexual relations with you again." You pouted. Tom smiled. Dammit. You turned away. He kept smiling. You scoffed and crossed your arms. He did jazz hands. You looked back at him. He looked away and whistled. You angrily huffed. So much for resisting him.
"Ohhh my god fine." You groaned. Tom did a little excited jump and scurried over to crawl on top of you. Just as his lips began to graze yours, the phone rang. Tom's head dropped down to your shoulder.
"Dammit." He breathed out. You pushed him off of you.
"Well hurry and get it." You urged him. He gave you a pleading look.
"Do I have to?" He begged. You rose a warning eyebrow and he took that as his cue to leave. He walked over to the phone and picked it up, glaring at you as he did.
"Hi this is Tom Hayden." He gruffed. You saw his face drop at the response. You furrowed your brows and hopped off of the bed, walking over to join him. His face had gone white by now. His knuckles clutched the phone as if it were his life force. You crawled underneath his arm so that he was holding you in a half hug. That way, you could hear the conversation. You picked up a woman's voice. Jane's voice.
"Tom, please come quick. I need you here, now."

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