"Come on then, let's meet our destiny." Edmund grinned in response.

The ship came to a stop right at the mouth of the cave entrance of Dark Island.

"No matter what happens here... every soul who stands before me has earned their place... on the crew of the Dawn Treader." Peter announced at the helm of the ship. "Together we have traveled far. Together we have faced adversity. Together we can do it again." He raised his sword.

"So now is not the time to fall to fear's temptations. Be strong. Never give in. Our world... our Narnian lives, depend on it. Think of the lost souls we're here to save. Think of Aslan. Think of Narnia." Caspian said.

"For Narnia! For Narnia! For Narnia!" The entire crew chanted as the ship moved forward. Edmund and I looked ahead, our hands intertwined together.

As we entered, I realized why it was called Dark Island.

-3rd Person Perspective-

"I can't see a thing." Y/N murmured.

"This fog's too thick." Edmund noted.

Each of the crew members stood in silence, utterly still. It wasn't long before the green smoke came. Some people jumped back as the tendrils swirled around their feet.

But instead of clouding over the crew, the smoke took different shapes in front of them. Each members' fears formed in front of their eyes. Too abstract to be noticed, but the voices were all too familiar.

"You are a great disappointment to me." One such figure said near Caspian. Caspian raised his sword at the smoke. Was it his father....? It couldn't be... "You call yourself my son, then act like a king." The voice harshly replied. Caspian wanted to strike it, but his arm felt like lead. He couldn't move.

"Edmund, come with me." Another shape took form near Edmund. This one was clear as ice. "Be my king." The White Witch crooned. Edmund raised his sword to her face. "I'll let you rule." She offered.

"Go away. You're dead." Edmund shouted. But only he could see the figure. Y/N stood beside him, confused as to who he was talking to.

"You can never kill me." The White Witch smiled coldly. "I'll always be alive in your mind, silly boy."

"No!" Edmund blindly slashed forward, the White Witch dissipating.

"Edmund?" Y/N put a hand on his shoulder, to which he jolted. "Are you all right?" She asked softly?

His heart beat had quickened with the encounter, but just staring into Y/N's eyes made him feel calmer and more grounded.

"Yeah." Edmund nodded, lowering his sword.

Then from this distance came a loud voice, to which everyone was surprised to hear. "Keep away! Keep away!"

"Who's there?" Peter quickly came to the side of the ship closest to where the voice had come from. One of the crew members pointed a light at the voice. It revealed to be an old man, barely wearing scraps of clothing, standing on the edge of a rock.

"We do not fear you." Susan called out.

"Nor I you. Keep away!" The old man responded.

"We will not leave." Lucy defiantly said.

"You will not defeat me!" The old man shouted, pulling out a sword and wildly swinging it.

Edmund first recognized it.

"Caspian. Caspian, his sword!" Edmund pointed.

Caspian was quick to catch on. "Lord Rhoop?" He called out.

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