chapter 4 - YOLO

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Lindy and I were still at home the next day, looking at Sara's bracelet. 

There was an engraving on one of the sides. 


On another side, there was another engraving.


"Are you sure this is Sara's bracelet?" I asked.

"Well, I can never be sure with the killer, but it looks so much like it," Lindy told me. She looked at me. "Marisa, I know where we have to go, and you're not gonna like it." 

"What?" I asked. Lindy gave me a look, waiting for me to get it. I realized what she meant, shaking my head. "No." I stood, turning away. "No, no, no, no. We're not taking this to the cops. You know I can't trust them, not when it comes to Sara." 

"Okay, then we take it to the Cyber Crimes Unit," Lindy told me. "We'll take it to Catherine Shaw, or to Tommy, or to Nate." 

I sighed, turning to face her. "How do you even know if they'll know what to do with it?" 

"Do you have any other bright ideas?" Lindy asked. "If so, I'm all ears." I didn't answer, knowing that she was right. Lindy knew it, too. "Let's go." 

Lindy grabbed her bag, leading the way out of the room.

I sighed, following her. 

We walked into the Cyber Crimes Unit.

Everyone seemed to be busy with something.

The TV was on the news channel, with a guy's voice over. "We go now live to a report by Gina Simmons on five missing students." 

The screen switched to a female anchor. "It appears to have been about a day and a half since the high school students went missing. Max Jeter, one of those students, was found unconscious early yesterday morning, and is working with the police on the investigation." 

Nate walked past us with a file in hand.

"Hey," I told him.

"Hey," Nate told us, continuing to walk.

Lindy and I followed.

"We need to talk," Lindy told him. 

"Kind of busy at the moment," Nate told us. 

We stopped at the main desk, where Tommy was standing. 

"What's going on?" Lindy asked. 

Nate pulled the key board closer, typing. "Six kids rented a party bus to celebrate their high school graduation. Five of them are missing. The driver's also MIA." 

We looked at the picture of five of the students that were missing. 

Shaw walked out of her office. "Listen up, everyone, it's confirmed. Driver has a record. Major Crimes has their suspect." I put Sara's bracelet into Lindy's bag. Lindy gave me a look. I shook my head, silently telling her not right now. "We need to fill in the gaps and find these kids." 

"What about the boy with the police?" Lindy asked. 

"Says he can't remember anything," Tommy answered.

Shaw walked closer. "We're getting Max Jeter this afternoon." She looked at Tommy. "I want you to interview him." 

"His parents?" Tommy asked.

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