chapter 1 - K3U

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My sisters Lindy and Sara were on the way to the fast food restaurant that I worked in for now. 

I was on the computer in the back, hacking into cites rather than typing in people's orders. 

My friends Joseph stood behind me, smirking. "Ah, I think the boss caught you. He said to meet in his office." 

"Right," I said sarcastically, taking off the headset. "Well, good for him, because..." I said the next words loudly for everyone to hear. "I quit!" 

Joseph smiled, applauding. 

Some of the other workers applauded with him.

I smiled, wrapping my arms around Joseph, taking off the stupid hat, tossing it to the boss' feet, walking out of the restaurant into the pouring rain outside.

Lindy was sitting in the car, in the drive thru line, waiting for me, waving for me to come. 

I raised my arms in the air, walking closer, already drenched, sitting in the passenger seat, closing the door behind me. "Where's Sara?" 

"She told me that she was going to get you," Lindy told me in confusion. 

I shook my head. "No..." 

Lindy looked outside. "There she is." 

I followed her gaze to Sara standing up the drive thru line, drenched from the rain, smiling, waving at us, standing there, waiting for us to drive up to her with three cars ahead of us. 

A black van pulled up from behind Sara, a man in a black hoodie with his hood pulled up to cover his face getting out of the van and going straight for Sara, grabbing her. 

"Sara!" Lindy screamed. 

Sara screamed, holding onto a nearby pole to stop him.

Lindy tried to open her door, but it was blocked by the wall of the building, leaving no room to open the door or to climb out of the window. 

I tried to open my door, but it was blocked by another car in the drive thru. 

Sara was still struggling with the man. 

I rolled down the window to the car, climbing out, quickly, seeing that there were trashcans blocking the way, climbing over the cars to get to her.

"Marisa!" Sara screamed. 

"Sara!" I screamed. The man pulled Sara into the car, slamming the door closed, driving away. I slid off of the car toward them. "Sara!" I saw the van driving toward me. "Stop!" 

The van came within inches of me.

Lindy pulled me out of the way before they hit me. "Sara!" 

The van continued to drive away, taking our sister with them. 

Three Years Later 

Lindy and I had moved to New York, having an apartment together. In her words, we needed to stay together on this, stick together to get through it. 

I had gotten even better at hacking and computer work since that day. But I didn't use my powers for evil. I used them for good. Like trying to help families find their lost loved ones, like Lindy and me. Things that the police couldn't do.

I had gotten arrested for it, once, though. 

So, even while I was at work at the office for technical support, I was doing what I did best. 

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