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Dream's plane landed and he immediately ran to George's house from the airport. He knocked on the door, covered from head to toe in sweat, panting.

George opened the door to reveal the sweaty Dream. "Dweam?"

Dream smiled widely at him. Wider than the Cheshire cat. "Hello gogy, my cute darling bear."

George's cheeks burst into flames, bright red. "I love you, dweam."

Dream stepped closer to George, moving his hand up to hold George's chin. He leaned closer to the boy and kissed him. He then moved to George's ear. "May I suck your toes now?"

George sheepishly nodded.

They walked into George's house with Dream's luggage. Dream opened his suitcase and let Patches climb out. He stroked her before grabbing George's hand and dragging him up the stairs to George's bedroom. He had facetimed George so much, he already knew the layout of the boy's house.

Dream pushed George onto the bed and lowered himself to sit on the floor. He looked up at George with a smile on his face. He slowly caressed George's foot before slowly removing George's stained white socks. 

Dream put the sock in his mouth, sucking the juices out of it before putting it down gently on the floor beside him. 

He stroked George's foot, chuckling to himself as George giggled because it was ticklish. "You're so cute."

George grinned at him.

"Can I?"

George nodded.

Dream immediately opened his mouth and put George's big toe in his mouth and ran his tongue along his toes. He sucked them individually, making sure to savour the taste of his sweat and to swallow any leftover fluff from the socks.

Dream removed George's toes from his mouth and looked up at the older boy. He was bright red, moaning. 

"Gogy, can we cut your toe nails?"

George looked confused and tilted his head. "Why? Are they too long?" I'm so sorry..."

Dream laughed. "No. I want to eat them." He smiled.

George relaxed and nodded with a smile.

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