Chapter 6 Homefront

Start from the beginning

Liu: Really?

Boss: People are planning to protest against President Chiang's use of military force and withdraw all NRA forces from the other world. If this escalates any further, then the foreigners will most likely intervene and come here.

Liu: Wasn't the point of sending a force in the other world to not be invaded again?

Boss: I don't know, this could be the work of communists.

Liu: But how? I thought the communist were defeated.

Boss: There is talk that there are communist cells, mostly in the countryside. They hide under the noses of the police during the day and come out under the cover of night.

Liu: You make them sound like mythical monsters.

Boss: Don't take my word for it, for all I know these could be said by crazy people. Oh, looks like break time is over, let's get back to work.

I looked at the clock and saw one hour had already passed. Geez, time really does fly.

5 hours later

Boss: Good work Liu. Here is your pay for today.

Liu: Thank you, boss.

I took the envelope and ran back home for dinner. The only thing for dinner is rice and vegetables. Since the end of the civil war, supplies of meat and animals are low due to the scorched earth tactics to deprive the Japanese and Communists of supplies, and all of our meat is imported from America, with most of it reserved to the military and the rest being sold to civilians at expensive prices.

Father: I heard from Xuehua you got a job at a construction site.

Liu: Professor is sick, classes are canceled, there's nothing to do. Grandma and Grandpa worked their backs off on the field, you and Ma both work two shifts in a factory. I need to do something productive for the family.

Mother: You don't need to, everything is good so far. Your father and I do not want you to suffer like us.

Liu: But I don't want both of you to suffer too much when big brother's out there fighting for the country. Your factory wages barely cover food and high taxes while big brother's wages cover the rent. I got a job so we can start saving a bit of money. The economy is not doing so well and we must be prepared for what will happen in the future.

Father: I see spending our savings sending you to Nanjing University was an excellent decision by us. Oh, turn on the radio. I wonder what's on the news tonight, let's see if President Chiang or Minister Chen would give a speech about the situation.

Mother: I hope there is no propaganda. I'm tired of hearing it.

I walked to the kitchen to turn on the radio. Everyone else huddled around the radio.

Host: We have received news from the NRA General Hu Zongnan himself that they have caught a communist traitor in their ranks. The Bureau of Investigation and Statistics has caught Hu's secretary, Xiong Xianghui, leaving the Nanjing military headquarters with classified documents. General Hu is here with us. General, can we get a few words?

Zongnan: To find that my secretary is a communist bandit is dreadful, betrayed the trust of my family and I. All for an ideology that is dead and buried in the dense mountains of Yan'an and the plains of Dongbei! I WILL crush those who dare carry out of its grave to endanger the Republic and delay its national reconstruction! He will be shot in the back of his head like Han Fuju!

Host: I am still surprised there are still communists running around in this country, and a person close to you is one. However, I have more dire news for the people of Nanjing. Yesterday, there was a warehouse raid in Shanghai led by the Shanghai police. The warehouse was discovered to be a part of a drug-smuggling operation, with crates filled with opium, illicit drugs, and smuggled weapons from various countries. Several criminals have escaped Shanghai and are most likely headed for Nanjing. The Nanjing Military HQ has announced a curfew, anyone caught outside past 8:00 will be detained and taken in for questioning.

Xuehua: That doesn't sound good.

Father: Quiet, I'm trying to listen.

Now enough of the tragic news. Here comes some good news, the NRA 88th Division, stationed in the New World has scored a major victory. The 88th Division after entering the gate were able to set up a defensive line and repulsed the attackers while suffering no casualties. A second attack mounted by several kingdoms, according to Zhutong's report, was swiftly defeated under superior artillery fire, also suffering no casualties. Has the time come to finally put faith and trust in our military?

Xuehua: Looks like big brother has survived the battle. Looks like fighting 2 wars had done him well.

Liu: I'm going to bed, got work tomorrow.

I walked into my room, well, a room with 3 beds I share with Xuehua and Y/N. As I drifted off to sleep, I imagined the new world having mountains similar to the ones in Hunan Province, with lots of forests and rivers flowing majestically as big brother described it in his letters home.


A/N: I struggled a lot with this chapter, so I don't think it's that good compared to the others. This is supposed to be a chapter focusing on the civilian perspective of this story.

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