"I don't know... who is she?" I leaned in but she leaned her head back.

"You tell me, some bitch came up to me while I was at Trader Joe's and she told me how she met you a while back and you two fucked. Then she told me she tried to hit you up but you said no"


"Why didn't you tell me some trifling hoe hit you up?" She dug her nails into my back making me hiss.

"Babe chill- I just didn't think it mattered. I get fans DM'ing me all the time..."

"You sure?"

"Yes baby I promise"

Her hand made its way up to my throat and she squeezed.

I don't know if I was scared or if I liked it.

"Let me see your phone"

"You really think I'm lying to you right now?" I leaned in and stole a kiss anyway. My teeth bit her soft plump bottom lip.

"Give me... the fucking phone" she squeezed harder and I nodded my head and pulled my phone out my pocket. I handed it to her and she took it out my hands.

She let go of my throat to go through my phone and I just leaned back cause there's nothing to worry about.

She scrolled and scrolled until she finally handed me my phone.

"You found anything?" I asked while my hand was rested under my head as a pillow.

"No" she got up and started to take off her shirt and threw it off to the side. My eyes travel up and down her upper body as she walks off to the bathroom.

I follow behind her into the steamy, nice smelling bathroom.

She puts candles everywhere.

The steam making me feel hotter as well, I take off my shirt and throw it off to the side too. She starts to strip herself completely naked and I watch as her tattooed body is about to take a step into the shower so I wrap my arms around her waist, from behind, and pull her into me.

"Why you always acting crazy? You know I'd never cheat on you. Even after all the damn scars you done gave me from laying hands on me" I said into her ear but she pushed me back and still took a step into the shower. I sat on the sinks counter and watched as she took her hair out of its messy bun.

That damn bleach strip she did looks fucking dope as hell.

She runs her hair under the water and she looked at me and then back to the wall. Her cute as simple popped out meaning she smile.

That's my mf cue.

I take off all my clothes too and follow behind her getting inside. She pushed me under the water and kisses me slowly and passionate. I travel my hands down to her waist and wrap them around her, to also pull her in closer to me. Her hands were wrapped around my neck and I felt her playing with one of my ears.

My lips roamed down to her neck kissing over her favorite spot. She leans her neck over to give me more space to work with.

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