New members and Hot Tub

Comincia dall'inizio

Bendy: I'm Bendy

Cuphead: I'm Cuphead

Miko: I'm Miko

Mario: Nice to meet you all 🤗

Boys: Nice to meet you, too

Xandir: Guys, I better go pick the book

Bendy: Ok

* The Boys are hanging and Toot looking at Xandir's ass. She likes him* 

Toot: I'm Toot, I'm sex symbol~

Xandir: I'm Xandir and I'm on a never-ending quest to save my girlfriend!

Toot: Girlfriend!?

Everyone: *gasp*

Toot: You have a Girlfriend! Why don't you tell about this Girlfriend!

Miko: Xandir have a girlfriend?

Mario: He is? But I have a girlfriend name Princess Peach. She's the most sweetest girl in the whole world 😍

Bendy: My girlfriend name Alice the angel 😍

Miko: I don't have a girlfriend. I'm single man. I don't have a crush, like sort of. Fans simps at me... 😕

Xandir: *looking at Toot* Um... We just met at 2 few weeks ago?

Toot: Ugh! You're stupid girlfriend do this!?... Lalalalalala!!! *Dancing hard*

* The house was shaking and everybody was afraid of her. *

Captain Hero: Save yourself! *Flying out*

Wooldoor: *Write at the wall "Toot's Fat"

Toot: *panting* Now? You want still have a girlfriend!? Eh!

Xandir: Uh... Yeah, maybe?

Toot: Why didn't you like me to be a girlfriend! *Cry, slice her leg, sigh*

Octavia: Wow. That bitch gets slice her legs.

Toot: Sometimes I cut myself to relieve the pain. Hehehe Toot!

*Xandir called his girlfriend. Toot, Circus Baby, Frisk and Clara are talking. Miko, Wooldoor, Octavia and Mario was playing the super league cards. Captain Hero and Spanky playing the pool balls. Bendy, Sonic and Cuphead argument. Ling-Ling was watching them playing cards.*

Xandir: *called his girlfriend* Yeah... I mean... No! I'm not sure. I'm here with you. I missed you so much.

Spanky: *Looking at Xandir* Hey! Dugeon and douchebags! You're up! *To Captain Hero* Can you believe this kid? I mean he's been on the phone all day with his old lady.

Captain: Dude, I don't blame him. I mean, sure I'd stick and stir anyone of these broads but what I really crave is one of those hot black chicks.

Octavia: *holding cards* Oh yeah! That was the man was.... Uh... I don't know that man? The number was 46?

Miko: That one? That's Thor from Iron Tank.

Sonic, Cuphead and Bendy: Hey, guys

Everyone: Hey!

Bendy: What are you guys doing?

Mario: Playing cards.

Wooldoor: I got him! That man have 50. The jersey colour was Light blue!

SDC: Meet All Members Of UniversesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora