Big Brother

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(TW//Character Death)

I'm gonna be just like you!

A young Sunny looked at Electrobab helping Rosie out. He wanted to help his owner too! He wanted to help people like him! Sunny ran over to Electrobab,purring wildly and nuzzling him. Electrobab chuckled and pet Sunny.

No matter what you say I can't do!

Rosie had strictly forbidden that Sunny go on Electrobab's next mission. But,Sunny went anyways. Sunny lashws his tail at thr dead guards as Electrobab helped the Pink Haired girl out of her cell. She was no longer their prisoner.

Ill follow you until the day...

Sunny panted as he chased Electrobab around. They were playing in the driveway. Sunny tagged Electrobab then turned around and ran.

...I could smile at you and say...

Sunny shoved Electrobab out of the way of the car. Sunny felt his spine and hips shattering into pieces as the car backed up over him. He let out a yowl of pain as blood flooded out of his back half.

"Big brother I'm just like you!"

Those words coming out of Sunny's mouth made Electrobab burst into a new wave of depression fueled tears. He sobbed endlessly into his hands. In fact,there was so many tears his hands got stained black from them. He felt Sunny's tail on his back,and he clung to the Galaxy colored Cat. Sunny put his paw on his back.

Never ever would they lose eachother again.

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