0.4 Run For Your Life - Chapter Six

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Hazel began "I Fight for my Life Against a Cow that is Thousands of Years Older than I am (REAL) (NOT CLICKBAIT)"

"If she is anything like our Percy then she probably did kill a half-cow."

"Oh I think this is when they killed the minotaur!" Percy looked down at this, not looking forward to having to read about his mother disappearing.

My mother kept shouting directions whenever I needed them, but we were so coordinated that the speed of our car never went under 75.

"Can't lie, that's impressive."

"For real."

Most mothers would highly advise against that, but right now, my mother shouted every time I slowed down to take a sharp curve.

Ares grinned in approval, that was his type of driving.

Every time the lightning flashed, which was a lot,

Zeus shrunk down under the weight of the looks sent his way.

I'd catch a glimpse of Grover in the rear view mirror and freak the fuck out.

"If I wasn't so terrified I probably would have passed out from how freaked out I was G-man."

I was on the verge of a panic attack, I could feel it. I wondered if I was going insane,

"Nah this is just the Greek world," Travis joked, "It only makes you think you are going insane."

but then I wouldn't have time to think about it, as my mother would yell another direction for me to go in. Grover the Goat Boy

If anyone had a drink at that point it would have been spit out with laughter at the name Grover was called. Grover blushed up to his horns and shrunk down in his seat.

sat in his seat but looked insanely on edge. My mother hadn't even buckled her seatbelt until I took a sharp turn and she almost got thrown into my lap.
Finally, the silence got too much for me

"I hate the silence, it puts me on edge."

and I finally said the most logical thing I could think of,

"A Percy can think logically?!"


given the circumstances,

"Ah so it is only sometimes you think logically."

"I would be offended but I can't argue with you."

"So... does anyone have anything they wish to tell me?"

"Damn you aren't even my mother and that sentence has chilled me down to the bone."

"Every mother has that power, we have to be careful not to become drunk on it." Every mother in the room nodded in agreement.

Grover and my mother looked out the back window, but nothing was following us.

Poseidon sighed in relief because even if she wasn't his child in this universe she was still his child in another.

"Oh something was definitely following us, it was just a bit slow at the start and it caught up to us eventually." Percy mentioned causing Poseidon's heart rate to increase.

"Allie, please don't make this harder than it needs to be," my mother pleaded once she turned back.

Sally sighed, it is never easy to let your child go.

"Take a right up here."
"No. I want to know what's going on. Where am I taking us?" I demanded, taking the right turn.
"A summer camp your father wanted me to send you to.

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