Part 1: How to Prioritize

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This book will talk about how to create habits. Creating habits will help your brain to associate a certain time, activity, or feeling with a task. Examples would be putting on a homework hat. This means that when you do homework, you will put this hat on. When you do this consistently, your brain will automatically associate that hat with doing homework and will automatically go into work mode.

Fix your schedule

Make your work fit around your schedule. (More on this in further chapters)

Here's an example of what I would do: If I knew there was a project that I could do my part on or work on quickly, I would do research while in the car, I would do some at home... etc.

I like to do things while I eat, so I work on my schoolwork while I eat. 

If you do these things, you will have time to work on homework before you get home so that you aren't so stressed and overloaded.

There are other tips that will be talked about in this book that are helpful, but you are going to need to prioritize your time. Waiting on clothes in the washer? Don't watch tv, work on homework! Then, you can watch tv stress free and uninterrupted later.

Put your phone AWAY!

Disable notifications coming to your phone. This way, you will only see a snap someone sent you (or any other notification) when you open the app. Remember to open the app when you have time.

Put your phone on silent or shut it down when possible

I also put my phone on silent, shut it down (sometimes not) and placed it really far away from me. 

Use Timers

I would then use a 20/30 min timer and STICK TO IT. Make sure that you study/do homework (etc) for ALL of that time. Then, you set another timer for 5 minutes to take a break if you wish, close your eyes, get a snack, text, etc. Just remember that when that rings, it doesn't matter if you are smack dab in the middle of a text, PUT THE PHONE DOWN AND AWAY.

Responsibly Multitask (this will work for my ADHDers)

Color helps the brain to learn, so if you can, use a hobby or color in order to help you out. For example, I love design, so I decided to crochet myself a black blanket. I would listen to books, seminars, homework videos, (etc) that I needed to, and I would pay much more attention (but that could also be just me bc I have to do something with my hands lmao)

Why procrastination happens

procrastination occurs when the brain subconsciously associates a task with negative emotion. It doesn't always mean you are lazy(talking to my ADHDers here as well). Remember everyone learns differently! So try hacks, tips, and tricks that work for you! For me, music is a great motivator and stimulus. Find out what music works for what subject or feeling that you have! It's a great place to start!


All of these things will be talked about in later chapters, as well as more! There is so much that can be done to combat these things, so I will put them in sub-categories. Stay tuned for the next chapter!

The next chapter will be posted sometime around 10 views. See y'all then!

Question for the day: How likely are you to try these tips and tricks out on a scale of 1-10?

Feel free to ask any questions in the comments!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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