Second Chances - Part 1

Start from the beginning

She softly caressed the strangers face with a soft smile on her face. It almost looked like she was recalling a fond memory.

"Male omega's are beautiful in their wolf form. Most are almost purely white, like the females, but I have only known of one that was pure white. Many believe that the Moon Goddess didn't create them so they must be destroyed. That is absolute rubbish, of course."

"Surely someone as powerful as the Moon Goddess wouldn't allow someone or something else to mess with her children like that. Male omegas are not a curse, they are a blessing," she said softly.

"How can they be a blessing? He will do nothing but confuse our unmated males when he goes into heat. If one of them mates with him then how will he have children? Have you thought about that? Males can't have children remember!" I told her again speaking like she was a stupid child dreaming of fairytales.

Mai walked to me and punched my shoulder. For a little old woman, she packed a punch. I rubbed my sore spot as I glared at her, she glared back. After a few minutes of the glaring contest, we were interrupted.

"Enough you two! What do you mean by a blessing, Mai?" my brother asked her, pulling her focus away from me.

"What I mean Wes is that male omegas can do everything that a female omega can," she spoke slowly.

"You mean ..." Wes started and she nodded, a bright smile on her face.

"Impossible!" I yelled. "He's a man, he can't get pregnant."

"Yes he can," she stood firmly with her arms crossed. Daring me to disagree with her.

"How do you know?" Wes asked, trying to ease the tension.

Mai softened her eyes when she looked at him and then at the stranger.

"Because my father was an omega."

Both Wes and I were at a loss. Our mouths hung open and our eyes were wide. She chuckled at us, clearly enjoying our shock. She went to sit next to the stranger and held his hand tenderly. Much like she had done to us as kids when we were sick or injured.

"I know what you are thinking. That it's impossible and he could have just found me and said I came from him. I thought that too but then he found his mate and they had a child. I watched my father carry and give birth to my younger brother, we had to cut him open."

"When I was older I asked him how he had me. He told me honestly that he had been attacked during one of his first heats. Several wolves used him for their own enjoyment and then beat him after. One of them had marked him during the attack and that's how he became pregnant with me."

Her eyes filled with tears as she recalled the memory. Her dad had been so strong when he told her but she had broken down in a flood of tears.

"Several years later he met that wolf again and he was angry that he had mated and produced a child with a freak. He attacked my father and another wolf intervened. His mate was killed and the other wolf imprinted on him. He became my stepfather."

"So, you think he is an omega?" Wes asked as he stepped forward to place a hand on her shoulder.

She nodded as she patted his hand. She then looked at us pleadingly. It reminded me of the look the young pups give us when they want something or when they are trying to get out of being in trouble.

"Please don't send him away or kill him. He's already had a tough life so far, he needs somewhere safe to live. My stepfather was forced to leave his pack because they wouldn't accept his male mate. They didn't believe that I was his real child. It made my father feel really guilty."

Wes smiled down at her and nodded. I knew he wouldn't be able to say no to Mai even if he tried. When our mother had passed she had taken over as our mother figure. Our dad had mainly been focused on our training and had no idea how to comfort himself let alone us.

"Of course he can stay here Mai," Wes turned to me with a smirk. "Cole is going to take great care of him."

"What!" I shouted.

Mai jumped up excitedly and wrapped her arms around his neck. She kissed him on the cheek before coming and doing the same to me.

"Shall I prepare a room for him?" she asked and Wes shook his head.

"No, not yet. He will stay with Cole until he is fully healed and back in great health."

Mai nodded and left saying she needed to find him some clothes. I stared at Wes like he had grown two heads.

"Are you crazy? I'm not a healer, why would he stay with me?" I asked.

Wes smirked at me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Cole, he needs someone strong around him right now. He is weak and I imagine he has been on his own for a long time. You also need something else to focus on, Abby left you for someone else. I know how much you loved her. This will help take your mind off of it," he told me.

I knew he was making sense but I still didn't like the idea of babysitting an omega.

"Do you have a problem with him being an omega? If you do, I won't force you to do this," he asked me.

For a minute I thought about saying I did, demanding he removes him from my room. However, I knew my guilt would make it impossible to stay away from this wolf anyway. I looked at the stranger and sighed.

"No, I don't have a problem with him. I'll do as you say," I told him.

He smiled at me and left. Leaving me alone with a weak, fragile male wolf. I had no idea how to take care of someone that was most likely broken.

Mai came back an hour later with lots of clothes. She put them away in my closet before kissing my forehead and leaving. I sat beside him as he slept but by nightfall, he still wasn't awake.

I had contemplated sleeping in the chair but I didn't fancy the neck and back pain that would come with it. So, I decided to sleep on the other side of the bed. If he freaks out I will deal with it tomorrow.

How will the angry wolf cope?

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