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The bubbles give off a floral scent I can't name but the smell is relaxing anyway. A sigh escapes me as I close my eyes suddenly feeling sleepy. It takes my brain a little too long to realise that someone is rubbing a cloth across my chest.

Asher is sitting next to the tub, a washcloth in his hands. I give him a lazy smile as I allow him to continue. I feel him clean me all over. A moan rings out in the silence as he brushes against my hardening cock.

I look at him startled. How could I be hard again so soon?

He smirks at me, that annoying smirk. I glare at him again, he just chuckles at me. Quickly, I close my eyes to avoid the humour in his.

He taps my chest, which makes me open my eyes. He gives me a cute lopsided smile.

"You ok?" he asks.

"Sleepy," I sign back, too tired to speak. He nods and pulls me up. He helps me out of the bath and dries me. I try to protest but he glares at me, I chuckle at him.

We climb into bed and I sigh, feeling content and happy. He wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head.


I'm alone when I wake up. I pat the space next to me expecting to feel flesh and heat instead it feels cold and empty.

Getting up I quickly put some clothes on and go in search of my hunk of a boyfriend. He isn't anywhere in the house. I notice the kitchen door open so I check outside.

At first, I don't see him or anything unusual, but that changes quickly as I walk around the porch to the side of the house. My eyes bulge almost out of my head at what I see.

A very naked Asher coming out of the tree line, pulling on some shorts.

I don't quite know what to make of it. Why would he be walking in the woods naked? Lots of possibilities flash through my mind but the only one that makes sense and it weighs heavily in my heart.

Asher hasn't noticed me yet so I quickly go back inside hoping he will explain and it won't be what I am imagining.

I'm in the kitchen when he comes in and I can tell he hadn't expected to see me awake.

"Nai! When did you wake up?" he asks me looking back outside. He looks scared, that just adds more evidence to what I am thinking. I smile at him pretending I don't know anything.

"I've only just got up. Where were you?" I ask, begging him in my heart to tell me the truth. He rubs the back of his neck like he does when he's nervous.

"Oh I went for a run," he tells me and my heart sinks. "I'm going to take a shower, do you want to join me?" he asks, wiggling his eyebrows like nothing has happened. I force a smile and shake my head.

He walks up to me and kisses me lightly on the lips and says he won't be long. I follow him upstairs and whilst he is in the shower I quickly grab my bag and quickly run out of the house and down the dirt road.

'He lied to me!' I repeat like a chant in my head ignoring the growing pain in my heart. The only reason I can think of for him being in the woods naked is that he had sex. This is his family's land, after all, someone could have easily met him.

Why else would he be out there naked?

Things didn't make sense, I thought things were good between us. Was it the sex? Was I not good enough or experienced enough for him? Did he need something more? Something I couldn't give him.

Tears start pouring out, falling down my cheeks.

The drive here had only taken about twenty minutes, but walking back is going to be longer. I just hope that I can remember the way back, or that he has a long shower. Giving me time to get back into town or at least put enough distance in between us.

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