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I'm nervous, he wants me to start talking but I'm scared. I don't want to scare him away. When he touches me and tells me to start talking, my throat constricts.

I take another deep breath and decide to just get it over with.

"Ok, well as you know I'm a wolf shifter. So is my father, Clay and my brother will be one once he turns sixteen. My father is the alpha of our pack, the Dark Moon pack. That means he is the leader, my mum is Luna, his mate. Clay is my beta, which means second in command. When I take over from my father as alpha, he will help me run the pack."

I look at him to see if he is following me, so far so good.

"As wolf shifters, our senses are heightened, more so when in our wolf forms. We all protect the pack from any rogue wolves that might want to hurt us, as well as from humans who could react badly towards us." Nai nods then looks confused.

"If that's true why have you told me? Will I be silenced?" I can see him start to panic so I stop him with a kiss. I hold his face in my hands as I lean back enough for him to see my face.

"No one will harm you, I won't let them," I say firmly. "You are my mate Nai, my true mate. Do you understand what I mean?" he shakes his head. I stroke his cheeks and smile.

"Every wolf can have a mate, it's another wolf or sometimes a human that we bind ourselves to through a bite. The mating is for life, but it can be removed. Though that doesn't happen that much.

However, true mates, like us, means that the great wolf goddess has chosen you specifically for me, from the moment we were born, we were destined to meet. You are perfect in every way for me like you were designed for me.

Mates are very loyal to each other, no one will ever tempt them away. It's almost like it's physically impossible for us to find anyone but our mate attractive or desirable.

You can only tell if you are true mates when you have sex. When the wolf cums their cock swells and almost latches onto their mate's prostate. It creates a deeper connection. Haven't you noticed ever since we slept together we've been able to sense each other's feelings? Yours are not as strong yet, but they will be once I mark you.

You are a human omega male, an omega male is a very special person. Omegas are typically for alphas and when they make love they secrete a special substance called slick. It's similar to when a woman gets so turned on they are wet." I smirk and wiggle my eyebrows at him, he blushes.

My mind drifts back to that night, his scent, his moans. The thoughts go straight to my dick, which throbs against the soft towel. I want nothing more than to push him down on the bed and take him rough and hard again.

I'm tempted to tell him the other part about being an omega male but I don't think it is the right time for that. Maybe, that's one of the main reasons mum is ok with us now.

Omega males can get pregnant!

Nai nods slowly, taking it all in. My breath is frozen in my chest.

'What if he can't accept it? Accept me?' I panic before Nai smiles at me.

"Ok, it makes sense now," he says deep in thought.

"What does?" I ask, confused.

"How easily you slid into me, it was my slick." To say I'm shocked is an understatement.

"That's the part you're focusing on?" I ask incredulously. He shrugs his shoulders nodding.

"Before our trip to the cabin, I did a bit of research. The most we ever did was kiss before that, but we'd never really been alone for a long period of time before. I wanted to know as much as I could, just in case. So, I knew that even with a lot of lube it still could be tight and slow going in and painful. I remember you slid inside me easier than I thought, and earlier you didn't use any lube, plus it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would."

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