35.0 ✿ the date

Start from the beginning

"He is Zoya's date? How could she even say yes to him? He doesn't even seem nice to me, I can't let him go with my child. I mean, look at him, Caitlyn.", grampa cringed as he stared at the poor young man up and down.

Grandma Caitlyn glared at him. "Stop it, Josey! You are making him uncomfortable. And you,", turning to Aditya. "You shall go fast, she must be waiting."

"Seriously, Aditya? You were so eager that you couldn't even check the number on the door.", he mentally cursed himself as he ran to the said door. He pressed the doorbell and counted seconds when it opened on its own, revealing the pretty woman behind, that he had ever witnessed.

Her. The treasure he thought he had lost years ago.

Zoya Siddiqui. The beautiful college souvenir.

With the finest smile curved on her face as she stared back at him.

"Hi!", she managed to say, her hand on her back in a tight fist to control her nervousness. Though his stare was not of much help, as he stayed still at her look —dressed up like the angel he saw in his dreams.

Hearing a snap, he blinked his eyes and gasped at the surroundings before seeing her again, releasing a nervous laugh as he mentally slapped himself. "Uh... hi!"

She shyly smiled at his childish actions before she called him inside. "Please, have a seat! I will get you some coffee."

Before she could move to the kitchen, he stopped her. "No, wait!", she turned back to look at him, as he continued —or stammered. "I... I thought... we could have breakfast at a café... together?", hiding his sweaty hands even though the cold morning weather. "We shall start our day around a hot coffee with some freshly-baked viennoiseries, and some casual talks to share. Is... is that okay with you?"

She just shaped her mouth in an 'O' and closed it immediately, no word coming out on her tongue as he seemed confident. He was back to his normal self.

You can do this too, Zoya.

She sipped her hot chocolate and kept her paper-made cup on the table, ignoring his longing gaze as she fiddled with the plastic lid. Meanwhile, he took a deep sigh encouraging himself to talk.

"I... didn't know you liked chai more than coffee... or I would have taken you somewhere else.", he hesitantly started as he dropped his head down, feeling her eyes —so pretty— on him.

Giggling, "Why? I like this place too.", she explained as she grinned. "I love their hot chocolates and butter-made croissants. A tasty French-like breakfast!"

"I guess, I have a lot to know more about you. Thankfully, we have a whole day to have a better glimpse of yours.", said he before picking his cup for a sip. Silently hoping for the whole life as well.

She shyly chuckled, as if she heard his mind voice, and they fell into a peaceful silence, the sounds of coffee machines and the chattering of the fewer guests in the early morning still filling the void.

"By the way, I hear you have your own boutique in London. That's cool, how is it going?", he started some random topic.

"I don't have any boutique. It's my cousin brother's, and I just work there... as a part-time job.", she cleared the fact. "I actually have graduated in management, and soon I want to start my own company, as an... as an event planner."

Well, he knew.

"Oh...", the discreetly fake surprised reaction, proud he at least made her talk a few words. "So, you want to plan weddings. That's lovely, all the best to you.", added he, feeling she expected a better reaction. Stop buffering around her, you idiot.

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