10: Shameless

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Labourers are on the move cleaning and repairing the damages Zhan had caused Yibo's office.

While Yibo rushes to finish the important works of the day, the older sulked sitting on his lap like a kid being bullied, pursing his lips, tempting Yibo's patience to pounce on him there and then, and give the innocent hard-working souls another good show to remember.

"You didn't tell me they were watching!" Zhan mumbled-spat, glowering on the floor while chewing his fingernails.

Yibo smirked. Handsomely at that. "Well, I thought you knew." He said calmly, passing the last folder he had to sign back to his secretary who is still shaken up by the scene earlier plus the current lovey-dovey atmosphere. Her poor soul hasn't come back to her body yet!

"I didn't know!" Zhan strained, shame coming back to him. "You should've stopped me then! But instead you kissed me back!" He argued defensively but Yibo just shrugged, unbothered. "I like it. Why would I want you to stop."

Zhan had enough. "Shameless." He remarked, face bright red, while Yibo's eyebrow arched, amused. The younger then grinned evilly and hushed to Zhan's ear while brushing his soft lips on the reddened auricle. "I can show you more shameless acts, Zhan-ge."

"Y-You--!" Zhan wanted to grumble and complain, but the cold-hearted CEO's fingers were already interlaced with his and he was paraded across hallways after hallways filled with stupefied, curious and disbelieving onlookers.

This was Yibo's way of declaring, 'This person is mine.' A subtle but obvious warning that noone should dare assail.

They were in the VIP parking lot in no time. Zhan's back landed against the soft leather cover of Yibo's customised Bugatti Chiron in deep amazon green colour, apparently Yibo's favourite colour, while Yibo slipped into the driver's seat roaring the machine in action.

Zhan just looked at Yibo, glancing at the bulging treasure springing to life behind the younger's tight pants. It looks painful, so Zhan tried to reach and give it a pat or two if he'll be more generous.

"Behave." Yibo gritted, trying to calm down, while Zhan grinned mischievously at him swatting his hand away and giving a squeeze on his crotch.

"Sean Zhan!" Yibo's voice turned one pitch lower but Zhan was unfazed, expertly stroking the clothed erection.

Yibo was left with no choice but to pull his tie off and secure Zhan's hands away from his not-so little brother which has been fully awakened.

His sports car is too small to give Zhan a proper beating, his King-sized bed is much more better, therefore, Yibo restrained and just drove like a crazy person in quick expedition to reach his home.

They did not pause for even a second as they hurriedly entered the Lan's estate.

"Mom. Dad." Yibo greeted his dumbfounded parents gawking at them open-mouthed as him and Zhan hastily passed by the two on their way to the staircase to reach Yibo's room which was on the second floor.

Zhan awkwardly bowed at them, trying not to be so rude on their first meeting.

He almost tripped on his own feet as Yibo kept dragging him but thankfully he didn't as Yibo had the audacity to lift him up his shoulder like a sack of grain.

"B-Bo!" Zhan fussed and he earned a booty slap which resonated well on the quiet mansion. He would really die of embarassement soon!

Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Lan whom Zhan thought will die of heart attack from their son's shamelessness were actually reacting quite the opposite. The two grinned ear-to-ear, proud of their eldest son's dominance.

"So, the plan worked." Mrs. Lan stated the obvious while Mr. Lan nodded in agreement caressing his greying beard like the wise man he is. "Now, it's time to call someone."


Who that someone is...take a guess!


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