New Dawn

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Kent Farm

Kara awoke to the light of the yellow sun peering through her curtains. She looked to see she was sleep flying again. She slowly planted herself on the floor of her bedroom feeling the soft carpeted floor she was surrounded by. She left her room and went downstairs to the kitchen to see an empty place. A note laid on the side that read 'Gone back to work, be home later - Lois'. Kara put down the note and started looking for food. Due to her Kryptonian biology Kara had to consume 10,000 calories a day so she would not starve. Being by herself, like most days, was very lonely only going on trips to the city on rare trips. However, being by herself allowed Kara to find out about Earth culture and familiarize herself with what was going on in the world. Whilst Kara ate her breakfast, she turned on the TV and tuned into the global news to find out what was happening. The TV spluttered on with a live broadcast of a hostage situation in Metropolis. In a moment's notice Kara zoomed back to her room, put on her suit, and flew out of her bedroom window.

Daily Planet

Lois arrived at the Daily Planet walking out into the cold office. The window was still being repaired from Superman's final fight; a massive sheet being placed in front of the window to ensure the safety of the workers. Lois walked straight through the office heading right to Perry White's office. As she walked up Jimmy Olsen caught up with her, camera slung over his shoulder with dozens of photos resting in his arms. They exchanged small talk on the way to Perry's office finally reaching the door. As they got there the door swung open with a mystery man walking out. He had a luxurious blue suit, a designer red tie and polished shoes. His hair slicked back, teeth whitened, and tinted black shades surrounded his tanned complexion. Lois and Jimmy looked at the man finally extending out a hand and introducing themselves. The man looked at them before smiling and walking past them towards the elevator before leaving the building. Lois's confused expression changed to one of disgust as she stormed into Perry's office demanding to know who the man was. Perry White had his back to Lois and Jimmy leaning on the window with an annoyed expression on his face reflecting of the window. He turned around to sit on his chair with the face of defeat before he finally spoke.

"That man is our new boss, Maxwell Lord".

Somewhere in Metropolis

The building was surrounded by police officers ducking behind their car's guns drawn waiting for their next order. The commander had a radio in his hand and was visibly concerned. Inside the building a visibly disturbed man with a machine gun was glancing between the radio and the three hostages he had taken. He had already given his demands and was awaiting the clarification that he had got them. The commander looking for his next move was taken back when Kara landed next to him with a smile on her face whilst saying hello to the commander.

"What do you need me to do commander?" Kara questioned with a grinning salute. The commander looked at her with a puzzled look on his face before telling her to get off his crime scene and let the professionals handle this. Kara's smile soon faded away from her face floating up and away from the commander's sight. As soon as Kara disappeared the officers made their move breaking down the door of the floor pointing their guns at the hostage taker. Upon seeing the officers, he moved his gun and started shooting the officers hitting one of them causing him to fall back onto the floor blood leaking from his side and onto the floor. The hostage taker his behind a flipped table while the other two officers hid behind the doorframe dragging the injured officer out of the range of fire. After getting cover the hostage taker started to take aim at the hostages he had taken and started to unload his bullets into them. As the bullets left his gun the roof of the building broke as Kara crashed through standing in front of the hostages taking the bullets directly to her chest, bouncing off her like rocks off a wall. After his weapon was out of ammo Kara sped over to him, grabbing his gun, and flinging it across the room, before he could reload, the gun lodging itself into the wall. Upon realising he had lost the man raised his arms in surrender. Seeing this Kara stood down calling in the officers to arrest the man. As she turned around the man reached for his pocket pulling out a grenade, screaming as he unclipped the pin. As the officers entered the room screaming 'GRANADE!' putting their hands up in futility. Kara quickly turned back around stealing the grenade from the man's hand and falling to the ground covering it with her body before the explosion. Due to Kara's positioning and indestructible skin, the explosion was aimed mainly downward, destroying the floor she laid upon. Kara was caught off guard falling through the destroyed the floor before she stabilized herself and floated back up to the floor she was just on. The officers had already moved to arrest the man nodding in appreciation at Kara who floated back to the solid ground. As the room started to fill up with officers, the commander walked in looking at the two holes in the room and finally looking at Kara.

"Thanks for the help, I don't suppose you want to stay around to help with the paperwork?" the commander questioned with a smile on his face. "I kid, you saved lives today. Thank you" the commander stated before he started to walk out of the building. Kara looked around in admiration of what she had accomplished before she lifted off into the sky. As Kara flew around the city, she heard a sharp screeching sound causing Kara to pull her hands to her ears.

'If you can hear this that means you are not of this world and therefore are not wanted or needed on this planet, it is in your best interest to leave... while you still can'. The sound stopped when the transmission ended causing Kara to look around with a fierce and worried look on her face.

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