New Beginnings

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The smoke started to clear from the heat vision blast, some trees were on fire a massive line of scorched earth stood where the heat vision had just been shot, and on the floor laid the Superman. Kara slowly limped over to where the Superman laid. His suit had been burned of his skin, his hair burnt white, his skin turning to a dirty grey. Kara listened closely hearing a faint heartbeat coming from the broken body. Kara looked up back to Metropolis seeing the smoke from the destruction drift up into the air. The faint sound trucks heading towards Kara could be heard as the army got closer to her position. Kara shot up into the air heading back to the Kent farm just as the army arrived at the deserted field. The army surrounded the body they laid on the destroyed dirt streak. They loaded him into one of the trucks before sealing of the crime scene and taking him to the Cadmus facility. Kara arrived back on the Kent farm floating down onto the porch. Blood dripped down from her nose and the side of her head parts of her suit had been ripped and dirt and soot tangled in her hair. AS she walked up to the door, she noticed it was open. Kara walked inside slowly entering the living room. Kara stood there anger on her face as Maxwell Lord stood behind Lois with a gun jammed in her back.

"Kara so nice to finally meet" Lord opened with a smile on his face. "I wish it was under better circumstances but, here we are." Kara stared at Lord as his smile stayed on his face.

"What do you want?" Kara asked anger building up inside her.

"What I want is for you and Lois here to stay out of my business, because I have big things planned and your kinda getting in the way" Lord said jamming the gun into Lois's back a little harder. Kara shook her head as she super-speeded towards Lord pushing him against the wall and breaking the gun in his hand. Kara's eyes glowed red as she had Lord by the throat. Kara stared at Lord ready to kill him when she remembered Clark's teachings, slowly putting Lord down dropping him to the floor. Kara went over to check on Lois making sure she was okay. Whilst Kara checked on Lois Lord started to speak. "You really are stupid. Did you really think I would put my life and reputation on the line just to kill Lois Lane" Lord laughed. His eyes then started blinking red and a beeping started coming from his stomach. Kara quickly used her x-ray vision looking at Lord seeing he was a robot and had a bomb inside it. Not having much time to react Kara covered Lois as the bomb went off causing a massive explosion. The farmhouse was engulfed in flames as the explosion took over the house. The doors were sent flying of their hinges, the windows smashed into a thousand pieces letting the smoke escape from the inside the house. The lose flames left after the explosion started to latch onto the wooden support beams of the house causing the house to start to crumble. Kara realising what was going quickly got Lois out of the house dodging falling debris as they escaped the house. Once they were far enough away Kara sat Lois down on the stony driveway as the fire engines could be heard coming down the road. The fire spread throughout the house engulfing it in flames and the fire fighters did what they could to stop the fire. Kara sat with Lois still in shock of what had just happened.

Secret lab

Lord stepped out of a machine he was using to control the robot at the Kent farm. He walked past the scientist and started to head towards the elevator. The scientist kept asking questions on what they would be doing next. Lord stood in the elevator looking at the scientist with a smile. "What do you mean we?" Lord questioned as the doors to the elevator closed, the scientist looking around as he heard beeping coming from every side of the room. As Lord went up in the elevator and explosion could be heard beneath his feet. He reached his office exiting the elevator and pacing up the stuff on his desk. At the top of his pile of documents the file named OPERATION: Royal Flush. Lord left on a helicopter flying away from Lord industries.

2 months later

Two months have passed since Kara fought Lord. Since then, Lord hasn't been sited and Kara and Lois have moved to a place in Metropolis until the Kent farm can be rebuilt. Kara sat in the apartment watching the TV. A letter came through the door, she went and picked it up opening and reading the letter. Kara smiled a wide smile as she started to jump around for joy. Just then Lois came in her baby bump becoming more prominent over the past two months. She looked at Kara with a puzzled look. She then saw the letter in Kara's hand.

"Did you get it?" Lois questioned looking back at Kara. Kara nodded as she rushed to Lois giving her a hug. "So, starting Monday you will be the official assistant at the Daily Planet" Lois stated. They both looked at the TV as a news story popped up.

In two days, the particle accelerator will be turned on for the first time. Dr Stone and Dr Thawne have worked tirelessly to get this project up and running.

"I'm covering that, care to join me before you start your first job?" Lois questioned looking at Kara. Kara nodded. "Oh, and it looks like you got a name for your other job." Lois stated handing Kara the newspaper in her hand. The headline read 'The Supergirl', Kara looked at Lois with a confused look.

"SuperGIRL?" Kara question looking at Lois for and explanation. Lois shrugged as she responded.

"I didn't write"

"The who did?" Kara question looking even more confused than before.

"New girl, Cat Grant" Lois said. Just then Kara heard sirens coming from across the other side of the city. Lois smiled before nodding. Kara pulled her shirt open to reveal her suit as she shot out of the balcony doors. Lois walked over to the open balcony doors looking out into the city as Kara flew off. "Go get'um Supergirl"

The End

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