↳ 𝙁𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝘿𝙖𝙮

Start from the beginning

"Mornin'" The little boy said.

"Do you like fruit, Megumi?" You asked and he slightly nodded his head.

"Am I getting fruit?" Mr. Fushiguro asked, walking over next to you and seeing the three bowls of food. The third bowl was for you, but if he wanted it maybe that could help make amends or something of that sort.

"If you'd like, Mr. Fushiguro." You responded.

"Of course, darling." He replied.

"What's this?" He grabbed the bowl with the pancake mix.

"I was going to make pancakes, but I couldn't find a pan."

"Let me get one for you." Toji looked into a cabinet, and found one immediately. He handed it to you, and you pointed at the stove.

"Thank you, Mr. Fushiguro." You finished cutting up the fruit. "Would you two like pancakes?"

"Yes!" Tsumiki exclaimed, however, Megumi didn't look too excited about it. You just assumed that he didn't like the food that much.

"How about you, Mr. Fushiguro?"

"Yes, please."

"Alright, please feel free to start eating the fruit." You told him and he shook his head.

"We'll wait for you, unless you're not eating breakfast." He responded.

"No, it's okay, I'm sure they're hungry." You pointed at the children.

"They can eat ahead, I'll wait for you." Toji smiled at you.

It was weird, it was like he had forgotten about what you said last night. Or maybe this was his way of making a move. You didn't really know with this man, you couldn't figure him out. Maybe with time you'll be able to, but so far no luck at all. You had only known him for a day, so your hopes were still high.

"Tsumiki, Megumi, sit at the table!" Mr. Fushiguro ordered and they complied. Mr. Fushiguro grabbed the bowls and set them on the table. "I better not see any food left."

"I cut a lot of fruit, I don't expect them to eat it all and they might want to save some room for the pancakes!" You said in their defense.

"Oh trust me, Y/N, they can manage to eat all of that and then the pancakes."

Mr. Fushiguro walked back to the kitchen and watched you flip pancakes, since he didn't know what else to do. He could watch his kids, but that was boring for him; he did that all the time. Thankfully his Sunday was a bit different, now instead of having to watch his kids he would watch someone else. The beautiful woman who was watching them.


"Can we play outside, please?" Begged Tsumiki. It was 3 PM, and she was tired of being inside. The house was blessed with a big backyard, but the kids couldn't go outside without adult supervision in fear that they'd fall into the pool.

"Don't ask me, ask Y/N." Mr. Fushiguro didn't even bother looking up from his phone.

"Where is she?" He finally looked up, finally realizing she wasn't in the living room with him.

"She's upstairs helping Megumi with his legos." She answered.

"So we better not disturb them." Toji thought of a way to make his step-daughter happy. He didn't want to go outside though, it was too hot. When he thought for a solution, his phone began vibrating in his hand. He quickly picked it up, when he read the caller ID.

"Hey love." He greeted his wife.

"How's-" He couldn't remember the country she was in. "Is the hotel to your liking?"

"Hotel? I'm not staying in a hotel, did you forget about our house here?" His wife asked.

"Sorry, love. My brain is not working properly, I didn't get much sleep last night." He explained.

"Is that nanny I hired not fit for the job?"

"Oh, she is, trust me. If anything it's my own fault, not the children's."

"Hey Tsumiki, you wanna talk to your mom?" He raised his eyebrow and she nodded eagerly. He distanced the phone from his ear and put it on the speakerphone.

"Say hello to your daughter."

"Hi, baby!" Mrs. Fushiguro's voice softened.

"Hi, mommy!"

Mr. Fushiguro yawned over and over again while Tsumiki spoke with her mother. He patiently waited for them to stop talking.

"Alright, baby, I'll be back home soon. I love you." Mrs. Fushiguro finally said.

"Bye mommy!"

Mr. Fushiguro immediately hung up the phone, not caring to say farewell to his wife. Hopefully that solved the little problem Tsumiki was having because he really didn't want to go outside to watch her.

You walked downstairs with Megumi, who got bored of playing with legos. You joined Tsumiki and Mr. Fushiguro who were in the living room. Tsumiki quickly walked up to you.

"Ms. Y/N, can we please go play outside?" She asked with puppy dog eyes, and your heart melted. You couldn't say no to her, she was too adorable!

"Of course, honey." You answered. "You want to come with us, Megumi?"

It surprised you when he accepted. Surprisingly, Mr. Fushiguro also wanted to join. The four of you walked outside, the moment your body touched the outside you realized how hot it was outside. The kids ran off somewhere, and you sat down on the patio couch. Mr. Fushiguro sat down next to you. You didn't say anything, you were focused on the running children.

"Hey, Y/N." He spoke up and you looked at him.

"Yes?" You asked.

"I want to apologize for last night, it was all just a little test." He revealed, which lifted so much weight from your shoulders.

"Oh, I'm so glad, I was so worried." You put your hand over your heart.

"I assure you, you have nothing you have nothing to worry about." Mr. Fushiguro smiled.

Mr. Fushiguro had noticed how tense you were when he was around, so he had to make sure you knew that everything from last night was just a little test. He didn't want you to have that reaction every time he was around, after all he had some other plans with you, and they wouldn't work out if your guard was up when he was around.

Now, he had to find a way to sweep you off your feet.

"Well, did I pass?" You asked.

"You did." Mr. Fushiguro answered.

While the way he came onto you last night wasn't the best, it always worked on women. He was everyone's ideal type, and who would reject the chance to sleep with him? Even if he sounded like a douche or if he mentioned the fact that he had a wife, women would fall to his feet. You had told him you didn't sleep with married men, and he respected that, he just didn't know how to deal with rejection. He wanted to prove you wrong, even if the cost was destroying your morals.

"You passed with flying colors." He added.

He didn't give a shit about your morals, you were just the nanny, a person he couldn't care less about.

𝐀 𝐏𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐥 [𝘛𝘰𝘫𝘪 𝘍𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘳𝘰]Where stories live. Discover now