I swear, I could stare at her all day and all night and still find something new to love about her. Am I too whipped now? I don't think I can wait any longer too. If she won't step up her game tonight, I think I'll probably take the first move. She can't expect me to wait until my hairs are gray! And I don't care anymore if she doesn't feel the same way as I do for her. I'll take the risk no matter what the results. It's either we end up to be girlfriends tonight or we split up. She has to make up her mind!

"Ms. Kim, your ATV has arrived." The lady that she talked to later approached us shyly. I raised an eyebrow. She is acting too shyly for my likings.

"Thank you, Juniel." Taeyeon took the keys on her hand and the girl almost erupted like a volcano when she felt Taeyeon's fingers touched her hand lightly.

"Anything for you, Ms. Kim. It's always my pleasure." She smiled sweetly. I rolled my eyes the same time Taeyeon turn around to face me. And yes, she saw what I did. I don't care. That's better. At least she knows that I'm not pleased.

I heard her chuckle softly. "Let's go." She kissed the back of my hand then pull me out of the lobby. I smirked when I saw the girl staring awkwardly on the floor. Yep, she definitely saw what Taeyeon did. See? This is what I'm talking about. She always have her own way of fluttering me. So tell me, how can I feel jealous if this girl is showing me off to everyone that tries to flirt with her!?

She is driving the ATV while I'm sitting on her back. Before we take off, she put an helmet on my head then she proceed to put hers. Always putting me first before herself. I feel like my cheeks are red from blushing when she pulled me close to her and made me wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Hold on tight." She reminded. And so I did. I hug her from behind as she drive us around the Ranch. The workers are waving and smiling at us as we drive pass them.

Her employees are friendly to her and she doesn't seem to mind. In fact, she's returning their smiles with a small one. No one from these people are accusing her. And I think that's the reason why she's not as cold when we're at school.

A little while later, we enter a separate massive lot. I saw hectares of various fruits and veggies around. And the huge trees from a far are setting the mood in here. The farmers stop what they're doing just to greet us.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Kim!"

"It's nice to see you, Ms. Kim!"

"We miss you Ms. Kim!"

Those are just some of the greetings I heard. I saw Taeyeon nod at them and I guess she also gave them a small smile. 'cause they are smiling from ear to ear when we pass through them.

Finally, Taeyeon parked the ATV beside a huge tree. She get off of it and held my hand to assist me. When we're both on our feet, she removed my helmet and fixed my hair. Since I feel like she's been doing a lot for me, I took the opportunity to removed her helmet and fix her hair too. We shared a shy, cute smile while staring at each other's eyes.

"Ms. Kim, how have you been?" A man came to approach us.

"I've never been better." Taeyeon replied as she rested her hand at the small of my back possessively.

"I can clearly see that." He chuckled. "I wish you the best in life, Ms. Kim. Your family was nothing but kind to all of us. That's why no matter what accusations they throw to you, your workers will never believe them. We saw how genuine your family. And no accusations can make us turn our backs to you." Taeyeon and I are completely taken a back of what he said. I turn to see Taeyeon's eyes softening. I think she had never heard these words from her workers before. And I'm glad this man came up to speak.

"Thank you. I really appreciate it." Taeyeon sincerely thanked him.

"No need to thank us, Ms. Kim. We're here for you and your family. Yes, we are just your simple farmers but we are ready to help whatever we can. Please remember that. And we miss the old you. I hope to see you happy again. I think the beautiful woman beside you can help us see you happy again." He smiled at me.

"She indeed makes me happy for months now." Taeyeon pulled me closer to her as she smiled sweetly when our eyes met.

"If that's so, we're glad to see you happy. I will take my leave now, Ms. Kim. Enjoy your tour at the farm." He waved his hand and walked away to go back to work.

"That felt nice, does it?" I nudged her.

"Yes. It feels better that I'm here with you."

A while later, Taeyeon and I walk around the farm. We tried some fruits and I was so surprised to see Strawberries in here. I was even more surprised when I heard the brand of the strawberry from the farmer. It was the same strawberries I bought for Taeyeon from months ago!

"Why did you acted so surprised back then? It turned out that you sell these strawberries." I pouted.

"I wasn't acting that time, Pani-ah. I never tasted the strawberries here before 'cause we just started planting them last year. I was busy with my own life so I didn't have the privilege to taste our own product. Luckily, you were here to let me taste it." She chuckled.

"Still! Why didn't you tell me that it's from your farm?"

"Because I forgot." She shrugged.

"So what else did you forgot to tell me then?" I raised an eyebrow to her.

"The steakhouse beside our University is mine." She said that nonchalantly. It's like as if it was nothing!

My eyes widened at that. How come she never told me!? What the heck? Just how rich is she? She have properties everywhere in Jeonju! Sunny is right. They practically owned Jeonju.

She have a Ranch, a Farm, the Steakhouse is hers, and the Shakespeare that is exclusively for filthy rich people is also their property! Not to mention the university where we study is owned by her uncle! What else do they own? Why does it seems unending?

"And you've never told me about this before?" I put my hands on my waist, pretending to be mad. 'cause I can't get mad at her for real.

She chuckled. "I'm sorry. I am always feeling myself when I'm with you. You make me feel me. You get it? You make me feel the real Taeyeon in me. And not the rich and attractive Taeyeon that everyone goes for. You see the real me. And I love how it felt like." She caressed my cheeks sweetly. If I wasn't feeling too overwhelmed, I would be worried about the fact that we're in the middle of the farm with strawberries around us and the farmers watching us like as if they are watching a shooting for a drama!

"You just make me feel the same way, Tae." I said in a small voice. Shy that she openly confessed her feelings for me in front of her workers.

"We're in the same boat then. Let's go." She pull me as she walk to the ATV's direction.

"We should head to the rest house now. The sun is going down." She said while preparing to leave. Like before, she made me wear the helmet first before wearing hers then we left the farm as she drive away.

"Is it far?" I asked beside her ear.

"No. Just 5 minutes away from the farm."

True to her words, after 5 minutes of drive, we reached a two story house that is painted in black and white. I bite my lower lip with the thought of staying the night here with her alone. Gosh! What am I thinking again? We're alone at the apartment too. Why think like that again, Tiffany? Get yourself together!


Thank you for reading! ❣️🇵🇭

I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. My training ended late today. 🤦🏻‍♀️ But I'm free tomorrow so we can update early like usual.

Happy Weekend, everyone! 💛

Cold Bloodजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें