"Hey, there Victor," I greeted him as I moved over a seat. Vic acknowledged me with a slight nod as he sipped a beer.

"Hey, Kells. How's it going?" Vic asked me once he'd swallowed, his Adam's apple bouncing. Why didn't I have an Adam's apple like that? I wish I had a lower speaking voice like Vic did; all the girls swooned when he talked, and I sounded like a fucking cartoon character.

"Okay, I guess," I responded, sighing a little. Vic cocked an eyebrow and looked at me skeptically.

"Still having problems with Katelynne?" he asked sympathetically. I nodded slowly; Vic knew me too well.

"I don't know what I'm doing wrong, Vic! It's like nothing I do makes her happy anymore, and she's always acting like she's miles away from me. Or like she wishes she was. It's like I was never even there. We used to be so happy together, and now I swear she doesn't even want to be with me. It feels like there's nothing left for me to even fight for. I love her so fucking much," I groaned. I noticed a strange flash of emotion on Vic's face at my conclusion, but I overlooked it as he replied.

"It's okay, Kellin. All marriages hit rough patches. You need to be strong for Katelynne, and for Copeland too. This will all blow over soon, just remember what the two of you have," Vic comforted me. I couldn't help but feel his attempt was a little half-hearted, but it was probably just my imagination. I ran my fingers through my hair exasperatedly.

"It feels like this rough patch has lasted for months," I told him. Vic rested a soothing hand on my shoulder.

"Don't stress too much about it. Call me up if you ever need to talk, but I just know you guys will be fine," Vic assured me. I smiled a little at my best friend.

"Thanks, Vic. I should probably be heading back now, but I'll talk to you tomorrow. You're the best, dude," I clapped his shoulder and stood up, leaving some cash on the counter.

"Sure, text me whenever. Adios, amigo," Vic said before returning to his drink. I left the bar, smiling a little to myself. Vic was a great guy; he always knew how to make me feel better.

I drove back home listening to Brightwell, some band that Gabe's brother was in. It wasn't half bad, actually. I wondered if they'd like to open for us sometime and made a mental note to ask Gabe about it [a/n DEAR GOD I LOVE BRIGHTWELL AND WOULD CRY IF THIS EVER HAPPENED IRL]. I mulled over Vic's advice, which seemed legitimate to me. It really killed me how much Katelynne and I had grown apart. She still had all my heart, and it felt like she didn't love me at all. I got the vibe that if it wasn't for Copeland, she would've left me months ago. I'd broken bones for Katelynne, and for her only, but she wouldn't give me her heart and her hand.

I quietly opened the front door, aware of the fact that Copeland was almost certainly asleep. Katelynne was curled up on a recliner in a silky camisole pajama top and matching shorts. She was reading Vogue, and she barely glanced at me when I came over and stood next to her.

"Hey, sweetie," I greeted her, reaching out to caress her bare shoulder. Katelynne flinched away slightly at my touch, and I felt my heart plummet into my stomach.

"Hey," she replied a little flatly.

"How was your day?" I asked her, sitting on the arm of her chair.

"It was fine, how was yours?" Katelynne responded. We were so stiffly polite to each other, it was sick and disgusting [a/n BEARTOOTH].

"It was alright, did you want to watch a movie or something? I think we still have 'Ender's Game' on Netflix," I offered, but I regretted the words as soon as they left my mouth. In all honesty, I had no desire to sit and watch a movie with my wife and the tension that would certainly blossom between us. Spending time with Katelynne felt so forced, like our marriage had become an obligation.

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