The first sighting

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It was first period, monday morning for Blabsy and Maggie. "Arghhh English, how boring" Maggie expressed to her friend Bob. They both walked into their classroom to find the teacher stood at the front of the room egging each teenager along to get in their seat.

Finally, when everyone was in their seat she began the lesson, Maggie being Maggie found her eyes wandering around the room only to be met be the blue crystal of the boy sat opposite her, he blinked quickly and then turned his head in the flash of an eye, feeling rather flustered and embarrassed at what she has just caught him doing.

"Miss, I don't have a pen" Blabsy stated with a tone of worry in his voice. "And what do you want ME to do about it BLABSY" Miss angrily stated right back at him, Blabsy sighed and asked "Please may I borrow a pen for today Miss, it won't happen again, I promise"
"DONT YOU DARE SIGH AT ME YOUNG BLABSY!!!! But yes you can borrow one just for today as I need you to do some work, don't be a lazy cow and just sit there, come and get it yourself you donkey!" Miss shouted at him.
Blabsy stood up, eyes watering, and went to pick up a pen from Miss' desk. As he did so, the student at the front, Gregory grabbed hold of his waist band and pulled his trousers down along with his underwear. Blabsy Stood there, cheeks red, eyes threatening a large spill of tears like the river Nile!

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