A Venom's Duty

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When everyone heard that from Izuku they get more motivated to train harder to be able to get to Izuku's level when they were walking back to the classroom Iida asked Izuku a question. 

"Animosity Sir! Please excuse me from talking on our walk to class but how old are you? You look young!" As everyone was actually wondering that as well he does look young as Izuku snickers a bit and looks back at Iida. "I'm 18 years old that's why."(Everyone is aged up in this story) Everyone's jaw dropped even Aizawa's he knew who Animosity was and is but not his age. 

"WHAT! EIGHTTEEN?!?! YOU ARE JUST AS OLD AS US!" As then everyone became depressed and said, "We could've been at your level if we trained harder." Izuku was a bit bewildered, "That was a fast change in tone." When they got to their class as Izuku then gets a call from his phone. 

"Excuse me one moment." As he exited the class. As he picks up.



Attendant-"Sir! Bad News! When we were transporting the prisoners a raid happened we lost 2 major ones Muscular, and Moonfish! Some purple thing came out of nowhere and wrapped them out! We don't know their current location." As the Attendant hangs up.


Izuku looks up and then down at his phone as a vein starts to pop out where his neck as he gritted his teeth. 

"Shit...FUCK! Those are the LAST inmates I wanted to be roaming free! DAMNIT!" Aizawa then comes out and looks at Izuku and sees him pissed the fuck off. 

"Something happened?" Aizawa asked as Izuku looks towards Aizawa and said, "2 major prisoners escaped, don't tell those kids about this I don't want them to freak out. I'll try to pinpoint their location." Aizawa gave Izuku a stern look and nodded and walked back inside as Izuku walked out of UA used his wings to fly back to Tartarus as he sees the truck near the prison almost destroyed where the ambulance and cops cars were taking care of the injured guards. As Izuku goes into his office and thinks to himself. 

"Whoever must be behind this must have a reason for bailing those 2 specifically there were others there. What's their plan, those 2 are the most dangerous and most bloodthirsty. It must be the LOV, I heard they got a run-in with 1-A...*thought goes to Bakugou* That spiked-haired brat's thinking is a bit messed up thinking his explosion quirk and going in frontal assaults to fight and barely respecting heroes and barely giving a damn about anyone not caring at all..." Izuku's eyes narrowed a bit as he said to himself, "Like a villain." 

Izuku opens his drawer and pulls out some documents regarding the training camp with 1-A and 1-B right around the corner. "It might have been just the timing but why do I feel like this has a connection? Something is going to happen the timing would make sense a villain freeing the 2 strongest inmates in the camp being days away. If I'm right the person they'll try to get must be that spiked hair brat may be one of those villains who spotted how that brat acted like when the USJ incident occurred." Izuku then leans back in his chair as then the door slams wide open.

As then Hawks comes out, "Hey Izuku! Missed me?" Izuku then gets annoyed, "What is this time Hawks?"  Hawks then laughs and says, "I got some information from one of the villains that were caught in the USJ. He overheard some saying that there going to make a move elsewhere, with some newbies that just joined the LOV." Izuku was surprised for once that Hawk's had some actually good intel. 

"Also Izuku, Wanna go on a date-" As Izuku threw a book at Hawk's face. "Stop fucking around, this is serious I have a strong idea where their location is." Hawk was covering her bruise mark on her head.

"Oww...Wait really?" Hawks said jolting up.

"Mhm, I'm going there in a few days. Maybe give Moonfish an early death penalty. As for Muscular I just need to capture him again." Izuku said as he sees the clock as it was ready for him to leave. Izuku looks at Hawks feeling a bit bad when he threw a book at her. 

*sighs*"Hey Hawks, why don't you swing by my house for dinner? For throwing a book at you." As Hawk was a bit shocked hearing what comes out of Izuku's mouth but doesn't hesitate to accept. 

"I'll be there! It's a date!" She said as she walks out. Izuku just shows a deadpan expression as he then walks out and flies to his house. 

(Note- Izuku doesn't live with Tsukauchi. He moved out and found a place that was near his workplace of course Tsukauchi co-owns the house with Izuku) 

-At the house- -8:30pm-

Izuku was dressed and ready with the apron setting up the table as he heard a knock on the door as he puts the plates down and walked to it. It was Hawks dressed up Izuku was amazed that Hawks came in a dress he thought she was going to put on a shirt and sweatpants.

"Hey, Izuku! I'm I in time?" She asked as Izuku said, "Yep was about to prepare dinner make yourself at home I'll get you something to drink." As Hawks went in and was impressed that Izuku kept his place tidy with some nice decorations to add to it. As she sat down at the table as Izuku brought some wine over with glass. 

"Uh, Izuku? How did you get wine?" As Izuku said, "My old man left it here when the police force came in to celebrate my promotion." As Hawk got the glass and took a sip and set it down. 

Izuku went to the kitchen and started cooking as Hawks said, "What does it take you to call me by my name then my hero name?" Izuku looked at her and said, "Alright, Keisumi." Hawks then laughs a little. 

"That sounds weird. But I like it." She smiles as Izuku finishes the dinner and sets it on the table as they began to eat as Hawks said, "You know Izuku, I never get why you wouldn't be a hero. Your level is beyond most pro heroes but you decide to stay behind them helping in the background. Your quirk is amazing for dealing with multiple enemies at once, you can fly, different uses of toxics that I'm pretty sure I haven't seen all of them, your smart and calm, overall could've made a great hero." Izuku takes these words and thinks for a bit and says. 

"You make good points Keitsumi, Your missing one thing though. The backlash of using toxins." As Keitsumi gives a stern expression, "Yeah I'm aware that, it's an awful one overuse of using your quirk can make your body tear apart from the amount of poison that's going through and go completely numb after. Realistically you can only use about 45% of your quirk." As Hawks leans on her chair a bit, "Imagine being able to use 100% you would be able to do massive damage with the backlash only being slight numbness even at using it for long periods of time, the number of toxins you can use and constructs would be an amazing sight to see." 

"Yeah it would, but I'm getting better and with my support gear coming its way and can make very unique attacks." As Hawks and Izuku smile a bit as they continue eating as Hawks looks at Izuku a bit. 

*I wonder how you'll be in the future.*

Woah time skip soon? Well yeah, this ain't following the show mostly things will change throughout the chapters. I hope you enjoyed this chapter next one will be on Monday, peace!

Izuku-The Toxic EnforcerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ