chapter 7 - Catching up.

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The plan sounds risky, that's good I guess. Eren only controlled his titan once. I'm sure he cant use it again correctly.

He might just go on a rampage. maybe kill the others. we are standing on top of the wall. A green flair. They made it.

"So far so good" Jean says "Let's just wait fo that yellow flair."

Bertholdt and Reiner looked worried. im also worried. Lightning struck.Hes formed into his titan. Great.

"what..what does the red flair mean?!" Asks connie

"They failed." I say "Eren isnt in control."

"Eren.." Says Armin "I'll be right back!" He says running away

"Wait armin!" says Marco

"Let him be Marco." Say Jean

"Hes going to help Eren." I say

"that's not good.." Reiner whispers

Soon after that we heard a loud thud. It was Eren and.. he was holding the boulder. Annie Connie and Jean went down.

Reiner, Bertholdt and I go down as well to check it out. We land on a roof. Annie is back.

"I'm going down there to help for a while." I say

They nod and I go down

"So Eren is a titan shifter like us" Reiner says "We might have to use our titans to stop him soon."

Annie and Bertholdt nod.

"Y..your..titans?"Marco asked. he was behind them in schock.

They turn around in fear looking at Marco

"Marco." Says reiner

"Look..I wont tell anyone..I..I swear!" Says Marco.

"Get his gear." Reiner says

"Wait! please!" says Marco "WE CAN TALK ABOUT THIS."

I hear Marco yelling I had to go up, I look around. the hands of a titan. Marco..MARCO. I rush over killing the titan and grabbing Marco.

"Marco!" I say "Are you alright!? wheres your gear?!"

"They..took" Marco says

"They..? They who?" I say

"(Y/n)!" Says Bertholdt "Get away from Marco."

"! THEY TOOK MY STUFF!" Marco cries

I look at them with a glare.

"I.." Says Bertholdt "he..he heard our conversation."

I look at Marco. "Marco. I trust you. But, if you tell anyone..I'm sorry."

"I wont..I wont tell anyone I promise (y/n)!" Marco says

I look at the three then look away. "I'm disappointed in you three."

Bertholdt looks like hes about to cry. Reiner looks worried and Annie looks away.

I help Marco up and the yellow flair goes up. They did it. Is that.. Captain Levi..? What's he doing here..?


After the fight we take down the rest of the titans. Soon we have to clean up the bodies. Its gross.. I hate it. The titans don't eat people they make a spit ball of the people they eat. You can make out the faces. Its disturbing. I'm glad we don't eat humans.

After cleaning up everyone.. we all take a break  

"you doing alright Marco?" I ask

"yeah I'm alright" he says : are you doing to talk to them..?" He's talking about Reiner and Bertholdt 

"yeah i will actually." i say as a i get a up and walk towards them

"(y/n) look we-" Reiner says as he gets cutoff

"i understand." i say but Marco is important to us.. well. me." 

"friends with people..INSIDE THE WALL!?" Bertholdt shouted

"Bertholdt calm down" Reiner says

"Did you forget about the mission!?" he shouts

"Bertholdt!" Syas reiner "No! we didnt but its useful to have allies."

Bertholdt is a quiet person..Its shocking to see him angry..its scary.

"Sorry." Bertholdt says "But if Marco says anything about us we're dead."

"I know.." I say and look at Marco

Marco looks worried

"Marco you can head back with the others" I say

He nods and walks away

"We have to trust him" I say then I walk away to the cabin.


Time has passed by. It was the next day. Picking what we wanted to join. Suprisingly when Erwin told them to leave they top 10 stayed. Except Annie..she left. Marco is here tho. We made it into the scouts.

We already had a mission the next day. The next day was cleaning day.

"(y/n)" Its Bertholdt "Need any help?"

"Sure" I say "Are you done with your stuff?"

He nods "Alright well I'll help then"

there was silence for a while.

"Y'know I'm still sorry about. Marco." he says

"Its alright, I understand." I say "I honestly would have done the same if Marco wasnt my friend."

He looks at me suprised.

"Can you clean?" I ask

"Oh, sure" he replies "do you need anymore help after?"

"you're the one that wanted to help," I say " but yes I do need help, well I'm almost done. I just need the windows"

"ah alright" Says Bertholdt. This conversation isnt going anywhere.

He drops the bucket of water.

"Ah! I'm so sorry about that" he says in a panic "I wasnt paying attention!"

I giggle. He smiles of emmbaresment. I had to force a giggle so things go somewhere.

I help him clean it up. He looks at me. I look back at him with a smile. He blushes even more.

"well I think we're done here." I say

He snaps out of it "O-oh- right."

I pick up the supplies and place them in the bucket.

"Let's go check-" I look up at Bertholdt. He looks serious.

"(y/n)" He says "Is..Reiner. Your special someone.?"

"Well..yes but so is Annie and You. And the others back at home!" I say

"No like.. romantically." He says.

"I- I'm not sure. I guess this is just sudden and. I havent really thought about it." I say

His dull emerald green eyes shine at me He gets closer. Why am I allowing this..maybe because..he is my Special someone. That's why. He kisses me and I kiss him back

I left the window open who knows how many people are looking at us right now.

"Who knew they would kiss." Says Jean "It was obvious honestly."

"Durring work too." Says Marco looking at Jean

I stop kissing him and I smile.

"You two. what are you Two doing."

Me and Bertholdt look to the side in shock.

Bertholdt x Reader x ReinerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora