i laughed as her eyes beamed in eagerness, her hands balling at her front. i nodded, causing her head to turn to look onto the horizon.

"i wish i was with you." her mood instantly changed, eyebrows knitting together. wrapping my arms around her, ymir did the same.

"y/n!" someone called me from afar, snatching me out of my moment. i turned to look towards the gathering of people, seeing how ezekiel and anouk awaited me.

"i have to go, i'll try and see you later." i promised historia, seeing how her eyes glossed over that i had to leave. she nodded in reply, in which i kissed her cheek and removed myself from the floor. after smiling in goodbye to ymir, i advanced towards the pair.

"everything okay?" i panted as i sprinted over towards the two, however immediately shot up at the sound of three consecutive noises that sounded like a thousand canons firing. ezekiel and anouks heads shot round towards the commotion, however i shielded my eyes from being temporarily blinded by a bright light.

"what was that!" ezekiel worried, and began sprinting towards the guard tower to get a better look. anouk and i followed behind him, my vision blurry but slowly coming back.

once i reached the edge of the wall, my eyes widened. instantly, the head of the colossal titan met my gaze, followed by the armour and attack. ezekiel debriefed the crew on these forms of titans before the mission, despite what little knowledge we had about them.

it seemed as though the colossal and armoured fought together, as they stood collectively whilst the attack braced itself before them. however, the colossus titan began towards the wall, advancing towards where the recruits sat. i watched in horror as it raised its hand, taking ymir from beside historia and into its mouth. the recruits, along with historia, try to fight it defensively, however were halted by realeses of steam. commander hanji ordered them to wait until he had stopped releasing steam, to which they all obeyed.

a loud commotion caused my head to snap back towards the other two titans, noticing how the attack produced a menacing blow to the armoured, but ended up injuring his hand and head in recoil. the attack titan fell backwards, onto the pale grass.

"everyone get back!" historias voice bellowed from behind me, concern ridden in her voice.

"where's reiner! and bertolt." the bald headed boy, previously mentioned as connie began searching for the afore mentioned in the chaos.

"ezekiel, can we do anything?" i frenetically question, looking up at him for orders.

"not in this scenario." he swallowed hard, watching the fight unfold before him. i scoffed, averting my attention back towards where his gaze fell.

it seemed as though, in this short time, the attack titan had regenerated, now back on its feet. it's fist raised, aiming straight towards the armour titans face with a firm hit. although, a crushing blow causes the attack titan to retreat as it was delivered harder than their one before.

the armoured titan continues beating down the aforementioned, it's hits critical and deadly. beneath the bombardment, the attack titan stares intently at nothing as though in a dream state.

"what the fuck is he doing!" anouk yells, throwing his fist in the air. as if on cue, the attack titan snaps his head towards the recruits, regaining the strength to push the armoured titan off him. it seemed as though someone else had taken over, his attack patterns thought out and measured as he began destroying the armoured titan. his fighting technique had perfected in a matter of seconds.

before the armoured titan could become a fatality, it released a ground shaking cry that caused the colossal titan to perform a body press. time seemed to freeze as the large mass fell onto the wall, destroying the district it was intended to protect. the impact fell above the two duelling titans, the wall beneath me crumbling as smoke clouded my lungs. before i could get to safety, my body fell limp and my vision was clouded with black.

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