Chapter 3

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A mixture of colours painted the heavenly skies, the dark purples quickly replaced by the intensity of bright oranges and soft blues, the perfect weather for the daily patrol of the organization's members. The final patrol before the sun rose, before the streets filled with curious folk and pesky police. Their time to rule over Yokohama was over. 

The dark mafiosos were already piled up at the front of the tall headquarters, some new faces standing in between regulars. They were always the more excited ones, usually young adolescence that knew nothing of the peace outside the underworld. A peace they would never have after hearing and take part in the mafia's missions. The activities that scar one for life.

"Why are we waiting for so long? We only need to walk around the alleys, so what can be this important before a patrol?" one of the newcomers asked, curious gaze focused on the outside security of the main building, foot anxiously tapping against the ground. "Do you think we will receive a message from one of the higher-ups? Perhaps an executive or the boss himself?"

"As if the boss will lower himself to talk to scum like you." one of the guards mocked with a grin, a series of chuckles leaving his comrades as they stared at the newer recruits. Rabbits always were more entertaining than the old dogs, the same stray dogs that didn't blink even once before firing their gun into the head of a traitor. Traitor. A word too familiar for the underground life of Yokohama after the big betrayal four years ago. A betrayal that put the entire Port Mafia into chaos.

"Then who is coming to talk with us? One of their underlings? I do not think people with such positions should be receiving this much attention and respect. I signed up to earn money for some blood on my hands, not to bark on all fours."

"Thankfully, our organisation doesn't require anyone on all fours unless they are a traitor and have to bite the curb." a sharp gasp was heard from the mafiosos with longer experience, heads immediately bowing at the sight of the approaching woman. "I apologize for the wait. The boss believes it is best to inform the new recruits about our situation just to be on the safer side. We are having a couple of smugglers around Yokohama that have vandalised and stolen from the warehouses. Stored weapons and emergency vehicles have been taken from our private property. Most of the time they have the initials of the headquarters engraved in them, so it will not be too difficult to spot them. If you happen to see anything suspicious, you are to report it immediately. The ones who take action have already received authorization from their group leaders."

"Who is that?"

"Haven't seen her around."

"Do you see those?"

Silent comments filled the ears of the young woman, the large wings behind her remaining nicely spread, lightly fluttering from the cool air of the early morning. The gentle breeze always gave her the perfect opportunity to spread them and fly away, feel the wind between each feather as she let her mind relax. At least she used to. Sharp eyes narrowed as one of the men allowed himself to laugh, her head held high as she slowly approached him.

"Is something amusing about the task? Patroling and fulfilling your tasks are not hard to manage. If you keep your eyes open, you can do both at the same time."

"It's not that. Rather you talk to us as if we are kids. We are all from sketchy backgrounds, lady. I believe we know how to get our hands dirty by beating up some scum." the cocky smile shifted into a smirk as she stopped in front of him, his larger form giving him a boost of confidence. "Are you perhaps the secretary of the boss? I am not even sure if he has one, but seeing as you have such an ability, flying around and giving orders might be the only thing you can do." his hand reached for her pale face, eyes trailing over the purple markings on her skin that reached to the very base of her combed wings.

"I would advise not to continue with this behaviour. Not only is it highly inappropriate, but it can be life-damaging for you."

"And if I refuse? What? The guards are going to beat me up for touching the little secretary?" his hand slid to her back, slowly trailing over the long coat before reaching the wings. "Quite a soft ability. I am surprised you even lasted this long in a place like this." his iris began to grow in size upon noticing the unfamiliar purple tint on his hand, veins shifting from a bluish-green to a dark and more vibrant shade. "What is this!? What did you do?"

"Do not raise your voice. I told you to step back and refrain from continuing with your activities." their gazes met, one filled with fear as he stared at the eyes of a killer, while the other remained calm and merciless.

"Help me... It's burning! Everything is burning!" he soon fell to his knees, hands tightly gripping at his neck, air no longer passing through his lungs as he trembled in pain. "It will not happen again. Please! Cure it!"

"There is no cure." her shoulders shrugged gently as the fresh corpse fell down, joining the large number of humans that had dared to touch her beautiful accessories without permission, finger slowly brushing back the feather he had ruffled with his nasty touch. "For anyone wondering, my position is indeed a secretary accompanied by the side position as a messenger. If anyone has any complaints, you can feel free to join me at the top floor in the boss's office before the patrol."

"I apologize for the newlings, Messenger. Some of them believe that a few robberies and they are too tough to follow orders." one of the senior mafiosos was quick to apologize, nervous gaze flickering over to the quivering freshmen. "This is the Port Mafia's Messenger. Show some respect!"

"No need for such formalities. I was ordered to come and introduce the details, so I did what I had to. You may proceed with the patrol now, just keep an eye out for trouble. Make sure the newcomers are also nicely educated when it comes to our rules. We wouldn't want an accident like this to happen again, right?"

"Of course." his head bowed shakily as the winged woman turned her back to them, slowly approaching the guards, who mocked the fear of the newlings.

"You sure know how to scare the newlings, Birdie. Made our job easier by a million."

"My job is not to be frightening or harmful. It is my job to inform units and mafia contacts of final decisions and important details." they watched as she once again disappeared into the darkness of the building, not a pinch of regret visible on her stoic face. A warning was a warning, at least now they knew not to underestimate the usually early bird.

A Message For The BirdieWhere stories live. Discover now