Chapter : 7

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"Isiah come on, do you want to get a drink or not?" Bethany begged "I can't remember ,I'm black"
Bethany shook her head as if what he said was a joke "come on let's get Micheal" she encouraged

"Michael's always stuck in his office he won't come" She grabbed his hand tugging him to Michaels office

"Not if I have a say in it" she undone her two top buttons and mad sure her chest was on show "Isiah can you please focus on something other than my breasts" she clicked her fingers in front of his face before dragging him into Michaels office

"You alright" Micheal not even bothering to look up from his desk "yeah you?" Isiah asked and Micheal nodded taking a seat at his desk "right payday, seven shillings" he passed Isiah an envelope wich he stuffed in his pocket

"Let's go and get a drink" Isiah sat slumped in the chair smoking while Micheal was fixed in his chair his head in a bunch of paperwork

"No I'm alright" he declined "come on Micheal it's payday" Bethanys hand resting on Isiah's chair "everybody has a drink on payday"

"Not me"
"You think your mom don't have a drink on payday, you think the lord Almighty don't have a drink on payday" Isiah put on a accent at the end

Bethany placed both hands on the desk leaning froward so just enough was on show to make Micheal want to come
"Please Micheal, we can't have drinks without you" she pouted
"They won't serve Isiah"
"So your using me" he joked she nodded

"The Marquis, that's where the BSA secretary's go" Isiah added Michaels eyes where locked on Bethanys chest before he finally decided to go with them

As they pushed the doors open and entered Isiah and Micheal peered round the room scoping out girls "I told you this city's gone mad girls go out on there own now"

"Isiah, you do both realise that I'm here right" she crossed her arms "sorry Beth, come on I'll pay for the drinks" Micheal apologised straight away

Beth chuckled "you think that wasn't our plan from the start" she laughed as she walked up to the bar with the boys

"We'll have three pints of dark mild please" Micheal ordered "fuck that we're blinders , three whiskeys" Isiah exclaimed

Bethany took the cigarette from Micheal who had hesitantly holding it in his hand "don't worry you'll have it once and then you can't stop" Bethany exhaled

Someone blew a whistle from behind them and all three turned around "I don't drink with blacks " the man who had whistled spoke with a horrible grainy accent "here we fucking go"Isiah huffed

"Piss off" Bethany did not hold back

"Paddy there ok" the bar man tried to warn the man off "not with me there not" the man who was paddy continued

"Then leave" Micheal said sternly
"Look my dad is the preacher down here he has connections ask anybody" Isiah inched closer to the man

"Just fuck off and leave us alone" Bethany stood by Isiah "oh look what the fuck are you gonna do fucking women" the man insulted sticking his finger in her face

Eventually Isiah had been punched by paddie and they were fighting Micheal was also fighting who was probably one of the racists friends

Bethany hair was yanked by an old grubby man she was quick to grab a half full bottle and smash it over his head the man was on the floor and Bethany made sure to kick him a couple of times before moving on to another man

He was taller and clearly much stronger she had been hit right in the eye she stumbled back before falling on a table of women one of the women pushed a stool closer to Bethany wich Bethany took and smashed over the mans head she punched him and spat at him

"Don't fucking touch me again" she said shrugging her clothes wiping of the dirt that did not appear to be there

"Paddie, paddie the white kids a peaky blinder, he's polly shelbys son" the bartender yelled paddie quickly backed away putting his hands up in surrender

"Sir,im sorry i didn't know" he begged he panted out of breath "get out" Micheal pointed towards the door and they quickly left

"We ordered some drinks and we're going to drink them" they stood behind the bar Isiah quickly turned to Bethany "fucking hell Beth, you alright they got you good" Beth shook her head out of isiahs hands "I can't even fucking feel it she giggled quickly taking her drink and downing it in one

"His face man, did you see his fucking face" Micheal cheered "he punched like a fucking kangaroo, I seen one once in a circus he punched like that" Bethany rolled her eye
"I fucking beat someone half my bloody size I don't even know how I've managed it"
"That's our Beth" Isiah shrugged her shoulder patting her on the back

They all entered the garrison going straight to the booth where Arthur,John and Finn where "there they are the junior peaky boys" Arthur raised his glass all of them sat down

"What's happened to you, you been scraping, you too Beth?" Arthur asked in shock and surprise
"Fucking hell Bethany are you alright do you need any help" finn sprung up ready to be at her aid before she giggled and shook her head and Finn sat back down turning red from embarrassment

"No,some idiots at the Marquis of lorne tried to stop is from getting a drink"Micheal told them "but it's alright we fought them of" Micheal leaned forward sharing the news proudly

Arthur and John sprung up Finn In between but was pushed down by his older brothers "stay here" they ordered before leaving shrugging on there coats Micheal looked around confused "it's a shame it was a good pub" Isiah shook his head "anyway I've got to go by Beth" Isiah hugged her leaving

Micheal soon left after bored without the company of Isiah
They both started at the same time they hadn't spoken much since there might of fun and neither intended to until they where left in a room together
"I missed you y'know, when you left you where just gone I was alone"

"I missed you too I sent letters you never wrote back
So I thought you forgot about me" finn shook his head "you never write letters I never got any"

"I did, I sent some to the betting den addressed to you never heard back I wrote to your house and you never wrote back"

"They probably got lost don't worry I'm back now anyway" Beth shrugged it off

"They got you good there's already a bruise on your eye and you've got a cut on the side of your face" finn pointed out changing the subject
The high had wire off and the girl started to ache "it's starting to hurt now" she touched just underneath her eye wincing at the touch

"I'm sure there's a first aid kit behind the bar let me go get it" finn walked out Bethany behind "here it is" he lifted it up

Finn dragged two bar stools to the middle sitting on one Beth on the other he took a out alcohol and a cotton pad wiping her cut

"I don't think it will scar" he convinced as he placed a plaster on it "thank you finn for being so nice to me"  finn smiled and blushed "it's nothing , but there's not much I can do about the bruise it will probably go down after a while"

"Thank you, Violet will be wondering where I am" she wondered to the door but finn stopped her "will you kiss me like when you kissed me the night you left" finn asked avoiding eye contact

She brushed her finger across his face he cupped her face before they kissed gently "bye finn" she pecked him on his cheek before leaving finn holding his cheek remembering to never wash it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2021 ⏰

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