Moving In, Moving On

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False Alarm yall! Sorry I had to do yall like that. Back to our regular scheduled programming!

Tamela Pov

"Put that right there for me. Yeah that's perfect," I said to Jason. Rashad recruited some of his friends to help me move in. He's such a sweetheart. This whole friend thing is turning out to be great. 

My father gave me the money to pay for all the furniture. I'm so glad I went to him. I made a promise to myself when I was young that I would never ask him for anything. I was mad and resentful of the fact that he wasn't present in my life. I still am. I mean I guess I understand why he couldn't be, but at the same time I didn't ask him to cheat on his wife with my mother. 

If he was there I probably wouldn't have been molested. I would have a healthy relationship with my mother. She would actually care about me, and not just look at me with hatred in her eyes. I'm not gonna focus on her right now. It's no longer about her. It's about me. I'm moving into my new apartment and I'm moving on with my life. 

"T, looks like that's everything," Rashad spoke pulling me out of my thoughts. 

"Really, I was getting used to seeing you big strong guys parade around in front of me," I joked. 

"You ain't right. Anyway, how do you feel," he laughed. 

"I feel good. I feel free," I answered. 

"That's good. T, I'm just glad you're out of that situation. I don't like seeing my Sweet T hurt and crying," Rashad said making me smile. 

"Shad, are you calling me sweet because I'm a sweet person or is it because of my sweet little honey pot," I replied lowly. 

"I'd say that's it's both. I mean you are a sweetheart, and your sweet cream is the only cream I want on my pancakes" Rashad spoke grabbing my ass pulling me close to him. 

"You must want your boys to see you get fucked right here in this kitchen," I teased. 

"As long you fucking me, I don't give a fuck. Let them see how I tame that wild kitty. Shiiid, they might learn something," Rashad replied making me laugh. 

"Boy get off me," I laughed pulling out the embrace. 

Rashad smacks my ass as I walk away. I look back at him biting my lip. He know that turns me on. Oh yeah he's getting fucked. 

"Thick ass," he said smiling before he walked away. 

Consider him sucked and fucked. I know we were supposed to stop having sex, but I can't help it if I make him hard.  I mean it would be rude to leave him hanging like that. What kind of friend would I be to leave him in distress like that? And it's his fault he causes a flood between my legs. Now he needs to save the townspeople from the tsunami that he caused. 

I'm gonna make sure he's here tonight locked and loaded. I have an idea. 

"Shad," I called. 

"Yeah T, what you need," he asked walking towards me. 

"Since this will be my first night with my apartment fully furnished, you want to come over and have a lil friendly sleepover," I asked batting my eyelashes. 

"Friendly you say. You not gonna try to whip that thang on me are you," he questioned raising an eyebrow. 

"Yes friendly. I promise to not sick my tiger on you. I'll keep it in the cage. Unless you tell me to let it out," I answered raising my right hand and crossing my fingers. I have my other fingers crossed behind my back. 

"Then it's a deal. What time you want me to be here? You want me to bring anything," he replied. 

"Be here around 8, and bring some weed. What you feel like eating tonight," said.

"Wait you cooking for a nigga too. You sure this is friendly? This sound like you tryna charm me out of my draws. Am I just a sex object to you," he replied grabbing his chest in fake hurt. 

"Shad, I'm being serious. What you want to eat," I asked.

"Okay, let me see. How about some lasagna with some garlic bread. Can you make those habanero hot wings too," he answered. 

"And I'll make my special bacon fondue dip too," I replied. 

"T, you spoil me. Whoo!I can't wait," he said excited. 

"You want me feed you too. Maybe I'll put you on my shoulder and burp you after," I teased. 

"T, don't threaten me with a good time. Imma get on out of here because I have some errands to run for my grandma," he replied. 

"Yeah you don't want grandma Shirley to put you in the hospital. I need to call her and check on her. Her number still the same," I spoke. 

"Yeah it is. You know she mad at you right," he said.

"Why she mad at me," I asked. 

"She mad at you because you was supposed to go with her to buy a new wig last week. I told her that you moved out of your mama's house. Yesterday, she gon' tell me, 'Tell that lil fast tailed girl, to call me. She think I don't know that she been ducking and dodgin me.' ," he answered. 

"How you know she was talking about me," I asked. 

"You really the only female that I've brought around my family. You the only girl that my parents will let sleepover. My mama let's us be in my room with the door closed. And you know she don't play closed doors when I have company. She don't even let me close the door when the guys come over. She loves you. My granny loves you more than me. She taught you how to cook and you act just alike. You the granddaughter she never had. Plus she right though, you are fast tailed," Rashad explained. 

I smack Rashad on the back of his head. 

"That's for calling me fast tailed. She can call me that because she's my elder. And she definitely loves me more than you. Remember for your 11th birthday, you wanted her to make you a chocolate cake, but I didn't feel like eating chocolate cake that day, so she made a vanilla cake instead," I replied. 

"Yeah man. I also remember how she made all of us get off the water slide so that you could slide without Titus pushing you. I was so mad. You really ruined that birthday for me," Rashad said pouting. 

"Well she couldn't just let yall boys hurt her princess," I replied. 

"Yeah whatever. Imma see you later alright," he said giving me a hug. 

"See you later. Tell the guys I said thank you. Oh and tell Jason to tell Mr. Sam I said, hey sexy," I replied. 

"I'm not telling that boy that. You know he don't like you talking about his daddy like that. Plus I don't think his other dad, Mr. Danny would like it either. One time I saw him beat up a dude for trying to push up on Mr. Sam. I would hate to see you go out like that," he joked. 

"Who said  I want to sleep with him? I just want ask him if he'll be the sperm donor for my future kids. I hoping I get twins. That way they can take one and I can have the other one," I joked back. 

"You crazy. Let me get out of here. See you later, T," he said before leaving. 

I'm getting dick tonight. RIP that pussy, Hey!

Let me stop. I need to go get the stuff for tonight. I grab my keys and head out the door. 

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