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Tamela Pov

I wake up and the sun shines through my window. I look up at a snoring Rashad and shake my head. I look at my clock. It's 7:45, shit!

We only have 30 minutes to get ready. "Rashad, get up," I said shaking him a little. He's still snoring. I ain't got time for this shit. I push him off the bed causing him to wake up.

"T, what the fuck," he said with an attitude.

"We got 30 minutes to make it to school on time. Get yo ass up and go get ready for school," I replied walking into my bathroom and turning the shower on.

"This how you treat all your friends," he said rubbing his shoulder.

"Awww, no just you," I teased.

"You cold T," he joked back.

I'm about to get in the shower when I see Rashad coming behind me. 

"What do you think you doing," I asked.

"I'm about to shower," he answered.

"Not with me you not. Either you wait until I get out or you go to your house and shower," I replied.

"Or I could just shower with you to save both of us some time," he said.

"No Rashad," I spoke.

"Well fine then Imma pee on your bed," he said going back into my bedroom. I can see him standing by my bed and next thing I know he pulls his shorts down. He's really gonna do it. I run to stop him as fast I can. I end up tackling him and we both on the bed with me on top of him. We're laughing and next thing I know my mother busts through the door. 

"What the fuck is going on in here- Well well well, you still whoring. I shouldn't be surprised. You went and slept with my man, now you've moved on to this boy. Ain't you tired of having your legs open all the time. You been doing this since she was a little girl. It's sad," my mother said.

I get up and I grab my robe. I cover myself up before speaking. 

"At least mine aren't always open to married men," I said.

"You still refuse to believe me no matter how many times I tell you the truth," I spoke.

"Eddie molested me for years. After I found out that he was married, I thought why doesn't he have enough. He had his wife and you ,his whore.  No matter how many times I tried to tell you, you just wouldn't believe me. Even after walking in on him raping me, you blamed it all on me," I continued angrily.

"I think it's time that you leave little boy," she said angrily.

Rashad started to get up.

"Antonio sit your ass down," I spoke.

"Your crazy accusations along with your whorish ways drove him away. You drove Eddie away and you drove your father away. I knew you would be trouble from the day I had you," she spouted. 

"Eddie stopped seeing you because his wife was gonna leave him, and he knew that in a divorce she was gonna take everything he has. They're still married by the way. As for my father, he's married too. Except the difference is he's rich and white, so of course he's not gonna acknowledge a child with his black mistress. Once you told him that you were pregnant, he cut you off. He probably even told you to get rid of me, but like always you didn't listen," I responded.

"Little bitch, or should I big bitch you better watch how you fucking talk to me. Little boy I said it's time for you to leave," she said angrily.

Rashad starts to get up again. I push him down.

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