Emm hi?

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Yang pov

I was cuddling with Blake when I ear something blake ears that too so we stand up and we went where the noise was .
The noise was in the living room ,we went there and we see a portal?

"A portal?" Blake said "how are we gonna close it?"
She questioned "are you telling me that you don't want to see where it might lead us?" I said "ARE you serious this might be dangerous you know?!" "Oh come on kitty just one minute" I said "there is no way that I will enter in that portal" she said then an idea came to my mind "well fine with me I'll go see by myself" I said "Okay! Fine! I'll come whit you!"

We enter in the portal ,when we got out ,what we see it's not our dimension ,after a few seconds the portal close behind us.

"SEE I TOLD YOU IT WILL BE A BAD IDEA" Blake yell at me "sorry kitten i was just curious"

"Emmmm Who are you?" A woman said we turn around to see four people "emm sorry w-we didn't mean to enter in your dimension" Blake said .

I see that they have weapons and they are in guard so I move in front of Blake to protect her "we don't want trouble ,I'm Yang and this is my girlfriend Blake" I said smiling.

"Emmm its only me or they look similar to us" a blond girl said "oh and I'm Adora ,this is my girlfriend Catra and they are my best friend Glimmer and Bow" adora said "soooo Glimmer control if they have the cip or something like that" catra said.

They block us "HEY I thought we where ok!" I said angry my eyes where getting red but I calm down or I wold hurt Blake whit my heat "yes you are ok, we where just controlling if you where orde prime soldiers" glimmer said leaving us "Orde what?" "Oh right you are not of this dimension"

They told us about orde prime and the orde ,and we told them about the grims and that we where hunters and about Salem and Adam.

"Oh well now I understand" I said "wait Catra Look now you have a cat friend!" Adora said "OMG ANOTHER FLUFFY EARS FRIEND!!!" I said then blake started hissing and catra pulled out her claws,
Adora and I immediately took the two "wo calm down kitty its not that I have feelings for her or something ,i only love you" I said giving her a kiss on the cheek ,whit that she calmed down "it goes for me too catra I only love you" adora said and catra calms down too "okay okay I get that" catra said

"We should return to the camp and give them a tent"
Glimmer said adora respond whit a oki.

When we return to the camp they introduced us to everyone ,when we finish talking whit everybody we go to the tent ,the tent where next to catra and adora's tent "let's hope we don't ear anything " adora said out our tent "especially for me" catra said "you know I have cat ears too so I can ear you too" whit that they leave our tent and they went on theirs

"Woah kitty I didn't espect that reply from you" I said "well I have my ways" "I'm so pround of you" I said she laughs and than kissed me I kissed back after the kiss we went to sleep.

What if catra and adora meet Blake and Yang Where stories live. Discover now