|I really broke her|

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"Where you going Jarvis" Howard asked "to pick up Miss Aimsworth from work" Jarvis answered as Howard stood up from his seat "I'll do it" he answered "are you sure sir?" Jarvis asked worried knowing she's still mad at him "yes, don't worry about it" he responds patting his shoulder before making his way out of the house

"I'll be fine Peg" Dottie smiled after they hugged "you sure you don't wanna take a walk? you know for a little peace of mind" Peggy answered smiling at her "I already did that last night. Thank you so much for the advice I appreciate it" she responds hugging her one last time before heading out of the headquarters

Dottie stopped on her tracks expecting to see Jarvis but instead she saw Howard leaning on his car while looking around the City. She took a deep breath and walked towards him knowing she can't do anything about it, Howard smiled at the sight of his girl as he couldn't help but admire how simple yet beautiful she is. Howard took the bouquet out from the car and hands it to her making her look at the flowers surprised "thanks" she muttured taking it before making her way to the back seat "Dorothy" Howad called seeing her sat on the back instead of sitting on the passenger seat like what she usually does

"Howard please just give me some time" she pleads not wanting to deal with him at the moment "just let me explain" he pleads making her sigh "I dont... wanna talk to you right now" she replied honestly making him look down "I know but if you would just-" "Howard I'm tired okay? give me some space" she cuts him off  before getting out of the car and waiting for a taxi

"Dorothy" he called following her out as she went inside the taxi ignoring him as she leaned her head back to her seat and let the tears fall on her cheeks that she have been holding back ever since she woke up in the morning thinking about nothing but Howard not knowing what to feel

Dottie head straight to the garden after she went home letting herself let out the pain that she's been feeling since she found out what Howard did. She sat there with a hand on her forehead frustrated from everything while she cries her eyes out trying to remain silent

Ana looked through the back door seeing Dottie sat outside crying, she walked towards her and rubs her back in a comforting way. Dottie lifts her head to look at Ana who gave her a sad smile before she opened her arms for her. She slowly stood up from her seat and hugged Ana tightly making her cry even more realizing that she's been needing hug

"Cry it all out. It's okay Miss Aimsworth" Ana muttured "it just hurts. All this time I thought he changed, I was out there worrying about how he is every second without knowing that he didn't even thought of me" she responds before Ana slowly lifts her face from her shoulder and placed both hands on Dottie's cheeks "that's not true, he never stopped thinking of you trust me. He felt really lonely without you here I saw it on him, you both love each other, take all the time you need and when you're ready sort things out" Ana smiled making her nod before letting her cry onto her shoulder again

"I really broke her" Howard mumbled as he stood beside Jarvis watching the two from the kitchen. Seeing her cry because of him broke his heart into pieces "then earn her trust back" Jarvis answered "how?" he asked looking at him "that's for you to find out sir" Jarvis replied placing a hand on his shoulder before leaving him

"Thank you so much. I really needed that" Dottie smiled after pulling away from Ana's arms "I'm always here Miss Aimsworth. Now go take a rest, I know you haven't sleep properly" Ana answered making her nod with a smile "thank you" she repeats before leaving Ana to head towards her room while she wipes her tears away

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