|duty call|

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"Ugh" Dottie groaned as her eyes opened feeling a massive headache. She slowly got up from her bed and with her blanket wrapped around her

Her eyes widen seeing herself into the mirror. Hair messed up badly and mascara stains under her eyes "shit" she sighed rubbing her temples before deciding to leave her room

She took slow steps towards the hallway still with her blanket wrapped around her shoulder while she kept groaning due to her headache "morning" Howard greeted without even taking his eyes off from his newspaper while Jarvis serves Howard's coffee

"How do I look" Dottie asked as she lay down on the couch with her legs placed on Howard's lap "oh you look very fantastic than the other mornings Miss Aimsworth" Jarvis replied making her roll her eyes

"My head hurts so bad I didn't even drink that much" she muttured making Howard look at her "woman you literally drank for four hours staright and you hit your head. I don't even know how that happened" Howard explained while he rubs her legs

"I just remembered running on the hallway and hitting my head on the wall then I fell on the floor" she muttured. "Not to forget that you brought Mr Stark's suitcase on mine and Anna's room last night" Jarvis spoke

"doesn't sound too bad" she muttured making Howard chuckle "yeah because crying over Thompson because we left him in there and you thought I killed him is the one that sounds bad" he explained making her groan loudly "that's fucking embarrassing. Tell that to anyone and I'll blow your head Stark" she threatened making him laugh

"I'd ask Ana to make you some tea. It might help your headache" Jarvis suggested before leaving the two alone "let's not work today" Dottie suggested "well because I'm nice then we won't even though you once told me that an hour would be fine to deal with a headache"

"Miss Aimsworth Chief Douley is asking for you on the phone" Jarvis yelled from the living room while Dottie sat on the kitchen drinking her tea that Ana made

Dottie got up from her seat groaning then made her way to the living room "well I hope I didn't interrupt your morning Agent Aimsworth" Douley spoke making her roll her eyes wanting to say that he did

"No sir I was doing nothing" she answered. "Well I called because we need you here Agent Aimsworth. There's some files in here that I want you to go through at. I'm expecting you here in 10 minutes" Douley hang up making her sigh

"God really does love me today" she muttured making her way towards her room to get ready

After Dottie took a quick shower and changed into proper chlotes for work. She puts on her coat and made her way out "where are you headed" Howard asked looking at her "work" she answered as Howard walked beside her confused until they reached outside

"Miss Aimsworth where are you headed. Shouldn't you be resting to get rid of your headache?" Ana asked walking towards her "Agent Aimsworth is needed" Dottie answered making her smile "first duty call?" Ana asked making her nod "yes and thanks for the tea it really helped"

"What time will you come home" Howard asked looking at her "not sure" she answered walking towards the car "take care of the child please" Dottie smiled at Ana making Howard roll his eyes before she went inside the car and Jarvis drove away

"Oh look who it is ,everyone's favorite lady. Stark's dame" Ray Krzeminski greeted as Dottie walked inside the headquarters "Agent Krzeminski who did you brought to the party last night. Your wife or your girlfriend" Dottie answered earning a satisfied chuckles and words from the other Agents

Dottie hang her coat and made her way to Chief Dooley's office. "Chief Douley" she greeted gaining his attention seeing Jack inside too "Agent Aimsworth. The files are over here" Douley pointed at the table on his left gaining a nod from her as she made her way towards it and took the files "Thompson show her where her table is at" Douley spoke

"Sir telling me would be enough. I don't wanna interrupt whatever you both are discussing about" Dottie answered before Douley explained her where her table is at

"Agent Aimsworth? I thought you do work on home" Daniel Sousa spoke while she looked down at the files making her look up "duty call. I was needed" she answered making him nod as he went to his table "Agent Sousa where's Peggy" she asked

"Didn't come to work today. Chief said she have to deal with woman stuff" Sousa answered gaining a nod. "Elizabeth look at these for me will ya?" Jack spoke placing down another set of files to Dottie's table with "Thompson's" written on the top paper

Dottie looked at him with raised eyebrows surprised by the name he used "and since when did I told you to call me by my middle name?" she asked making him chuckle "it's been really long I don't remeber" he answered "too lazy or too hard for you?" Dottie asked looking through the files "too busy" Jack answered walking away sending her a wink making her roll her eyes "disgusting" she muttured to herself

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