moon was shining stars were all around moon...
It was midnight and they were both lost in that beautiful night...

Today is the 1st anniversary of his death and today he was actually 1 year old...

Tae was looking at the sky...
his head on Jungkook chest...
They were sitting on a branch...
Jungkook placed his chin on tae head...
Their hands were intertwined each other....

They was dead...
They were free now...
They were together now...
They were happy now...

" Kookie let me ask you something "

" Hmmm "

" Who were they all ?

" Who baby "

" they Namjoon, Jimin, hobi, yoongi, jin who were they all? "

Jungkook looked up at the sky and answered " some souls "

" Means "

" They souls of the dead persons who helped me...I met them years ago, I helped them...then they said call us if you need help....So i call them and they came help me... I used to come to you with their identities "

" they also died "

"Hmmm...they were 5 friends "

" How they died kookie? "

" They died in a car accident this road...When I met them, they were alone....their graves are where you saw me buried in a dream "

Tears welled up in tae eyes
" Where will they be now ?

" I don't know where they are...they help me and left...i call them but they never come back "

They both sat with their eyes closed tae said
" Kookie don't you think we should go to heaven now ?
This world is no longer ours "

Kookie looked at him kissed tae ear and said " You don't want to live here....We just met here baby "

tae smiled " I want to be with you kookie... Whether here or there... Wherever you are "

Jungkook kept looking at tae and said " What would happen to this tree if we left ?

Tae turned kiss his lips and said
" Free this tree kookie... It will contain our love and do you know if someone else's story is hidden in this tree now... because kookie our story is complete... We are one "

" Hmmm, what about your grave ?

Tae looked down at his grave and then at kookie he kissed kookie lips again and said
" These are the grave of man who is no longer in this world but his soul is with you...What can we do about this grave ? "

Jungkook looking at him...
Now it was kookie turn to kiss tae lips...

He stood up and stretched out his hand said " So let's go to our world...where you , me,  my mom , dad , your mom and dad and our world "

Tae saw Jungkook hand, smiled, nodded and holding Jungkook hand...
They both went down...
their fingers were intertwined... They first looked at the house, then tae grave, then tree...
Tae picked up a stone and wrote on it...

Tae + kook
♥ taekook forever ♥

Jungkook smile he grabbed tae hand and connect their lips both kissing...
Rested there forehead and said together

" I love you "
they both smile and disappeared.
Forever In this world they both wrote there love story....

The world does not know there story but they still proved that...
love can happen to anyone in any form..♥
There is no body of love...♥
No recognition of love...♥
No gender...♥
Love is just LOVE....♥
Tae loved a soul and he proved that love is unseen...♥
He proved that love is true...♥
He proved that human is also true...♥
and if someone truly loves someone, luck unites them... ♥
When Jungkook didn't meet tae, he thought human is a deceiver...♥
Human an is a liar....♥
He hated human...♥
But when he met tae...♥
He didn't like human but he just liked it...♥
This human love a soul...♥
This human made this soul a lover of human...♥
His soul was broken tae love pair his soul... ♥
Because of his stepfather he hate humans...♥
But tae teach him that human is true and Jungkook proved that soul love unconditionally...♥
He proved it an unseen love is also true...♥
A unique love between the two of them....
If the world knew about it, it would not believe it...
But what do they have to do with it?...
They wrote the story and they went to settle their world and as they went they both teach the world...
♥ Unconditional love of a soul ♥ ♥ the unseen love of a human  ♥

The end ♥


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And yaa taekook forever

 ByeAnd yaa taekook forever

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