Chapter 1.1 - Building up the walls

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Xennes' pov

It's quite a sunny day at the first day of the new school season. I remember this day very well. All the first graders assemble at the schoolyard to meet their new teacher. They go inside and meet their new classmates. Everyone is excited and cheerful; they're wondering what will await them. All the children introduce themselves. To know each other better they go outside and play some games to remember each other's names. I just follow everyone outside. I don't know any of the children around me and it makes me kind of nervous. The teacher started class with something ordinary like: "Good morning my sweet pupils!" The teacher said happily. Everyone starts giggling of excitement and some say good morning as response. "This will be your first day at your loooong career of being a pupil. These children around you are the people who you will be spending the next eight years of your life with!" she continued. Did she tell us her name? I don't remember her introducing herself. "So, let's get to know each other, shall we?" I shook up as I heard her starting the game. I sunk too deep in my thoughts again. I ask the person next to me, a boy with white silky hair and grey eyes what we're going to do. "Hey, uhm, what were we supposed to do now?" I ask him nervously. "Oh, it's just a game of tag but you have to say the person's name or else it won't count if you're 'it' ". He explained.

"Thanks! I'm Xennes by the way." I told him. "I'm Hayato, nice to meet you." He smiled at me. Hayato, he seems very kind. He might like to be my friend someday. I see everyone look at each other and try to remember some of the others' names. The teacher points out the first two children who will be "it". The teacher chose a girl with peachy colored hair and a boy with brown spikey half-long hair. He seems not much of the sporty kind. He is wearing a scarf and warm coat. It's mid-summer, why is he dressed like that? Is he that cold? The teacher blew on a whistle and the game starts. The peachy girl is very fast, I must run along with the group to not get caught. On the other side, the scarfed boy looks troubled as he is not able to pass on his turn to someone else. As I run along with the group, I get closer to him, he looks like he's about to cry. I walk closer to him and hold out my arm. The spikey-haired boy looks at me with confusion. I don't remember the exact details of our conversation anymore, but it went a bit like this:

"Aren't you supposed to run away from me?" He asked me.

"Ah, oh no." I exaggerated. "I guess I came too close and now I'm about to get hit." I acted as if something terrible would happen to me. The spikey-haired boy laughed and hit my arm. "You're it now." He giggled.

"Oh no! You got me!" I laughed.

"Uhm, your name... what was it again..." he said troubled.

"I'm Xennes! What's your name?"

"My name is Tsuya."

I smiled at him "Nice to meet you, Tsuya! Now it's my turn to run." I laughed awkwardly and run towards other kids. I see he looks more relieved and so do I. I was nervous for today, but it's quite some fun already! My mother always told me to help others out as much as I can. I think I made her proud today, I thought to myself.

It's lunchtime and everyone is getting their lunch from the classroom to eat outside. My mom prepared me some peanut butter jelly sandwiches and gave me an apple for dessert. My mom is the best mom a kid can wish. She's very kind and loving. She always prepares my lunchboxes and knows what's best for me. I can't wait to tell her about my experiences from today. I walk with my lunchbox and cup filled with milk over the schoolyard. I see that most children already formed some friend groups. I see Hayato standing with some other boys near the playground. Hayato starts waving at me. I go over to him, and he greets me with a smile. We talk about the games we just played while we eat from our lunch. Suddenly one of the guys, called Ryo pointed out to Tsuya who's sitting further away against the playhouse. "He's such a weirdo, look at him wearing like he's at Alaska!" The other boys start laughing at Tsuya. "Hey, don't be so mean!" I snarled at him. "Don't you think it's weird he's dressed like that?" Ryo snarled back at me. I am curious why Tsuya is dressed like that, but it doesn't mean we should make fun of him. He is a person after all, he should be having a reason for dressing up like that. Besides, he's a nice guy I don't want to bully him. "I don't think it's any of our business..." I respond. Hayato suddenly suggested to play some sort of game after we finished our lunches. I played a single game and saw Tsuya was sobbing near the playhouse. "Sorry guys, I'm going to do something else now. Bye, bye!" I say excited. The others waved at me and shortly after they continued their game. I walk over to the playhouse to see how Tsuya is doing. He bended his knees and sobbed in his hands. I sit down next to him. I don't really understand why he's crying so I ask him what's wrong.

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