A silly chapter I wrote-

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The Spirit Gang - *is going through their photo album*

Mysore - Aw, look! That photo was a good one of all of us!

Jhansi - It was the last one we had taken when we all were alive, isn't it?

Ahom - Yeah....I still think fondly of those times.

British Raj - *is silent*

- They keep flipping the pages and the come across a certain photo. One of British Empire, with his wife and Raj -

British Raj - WHAT- Who put that there?

Ahom - I don't know-

British Raj - Throw it away this instant. Or on second thought, just cut out his face, I don't want to see him. EVER.

Mysore - Why isn't anyone noticing little Raj? He looks so smol and adorable-

Ahom - Don't tell me you always were so gloomy-

British Raj - I never found much to be happy about.....Also, smiling in photographs wasn't a trend back then.

Mysore - Still isn't sometimes..... *chuckles*

Jhansi - Wait, something's wrong with this photo....why does he still look...well, old even though Raj is just a child?

Ahom - Oh, maybe he's just REALLY ol-

British Raj - *sips tea* He was always in a perpetual state of boomer.


Historically inaccurate again, but yes-

Incorrect Quotes and Oneshots ft. SAARC CountryHumansWhere stories live. Discover now