One of the luckiest scenes in history

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SAARC Gang - *has just watched Frozen*

Maldives - I'm friggin envious now- It hasn't snowed for ages-

Bangladesh - But the more I think about it, you know that scene where Anna blocks Hans' sword before turning to ice?

Pakistan - Yeah, what about it?

Bangladesh - It's gotta be one of the luckiest scenes in history- I mean, if she froze a little earlier, she would've frozen mid-sprint!

Bhutan - Yeah, and if she froze a little too late, she would've been sliced into half-

All - True-

India - I was thinking about it too. Sure, you can break frozen metal, but perfectly okay metal? The sword must've been as weak as a Parle - G biscuit or something.

Nepal - It's just a movie, guys-

Incorrect Quotes and Oneshots ft. SAARC CountryHumansHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin