chapter 1

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.(Nicks pov)"Nick my father Seth said looking at me fom across the living room your going to be late for school if you dont get a move on".I sighed shaking my head I hate school its just the same thing everyday it gets very boring after a while thank god im a senior this year. Sighing I got up off the floor from playing with some of the littler kids that are in the pack that are lucky enough to not have to deal with the place they called school.I grabed my bag that was sitting on the reclining chair behinde me and headed for the door."bye dad bye poppa". "Bye" they said at the same time as the door closed behinde me.I call Seth dad an Jack poppa it makes it easier for them to know who i'm talking to.I walked to my convertible and got in tuneing my music to a station that i love listening to (Froggy 101) I buckled up and pulled out of the drive way. I dont live that far from the school sadly I wish we lived a bit farther from it so I wont be there as early.In about five minutes i was parking into the schools parking lot.I turned the car off and got out locking the car up.Just recentaly people have been robbing the cars and though there is nothing in my car the holds value or is importent I still dont want anyone in it. "NICK there you are". My best friend Brittany said as she ran over to me and huged me tightly to tightly for my likeing. "Cant breath"I gasped which made her pull away with a smirk on her face. "So did you find your mate yet"? Brittany was the only human that knows about werewolfs and thats only because I told her and if my pack found out that I told her there will be bad consequences. This rule my dad made once my popas friend Jack found out about us he got cought up in are fight and had to suffer injurys and would have died if not for popa changing him into one of us. "No not yet" "Omg what if your mate turns out to be a girl"? "I hope not I never liked girls". "Hey do I look like I have a dick between my legs cause last i checked I had a -". "I mean in more then a friend way" I said quickly before she could finish that sentence. "Ok good I was going to shove a banana up your ass for a minute there". I giggled as we walked through the school doors. I walked passed the locker and thats were a delishes sent hit me "mate" my wolf said. I gasped and turned to face the alpha of NightShadws pack. There pack is one of the strongest packs around.My pack is strong too not nearly as strong as them;they have alot of wolfs in there pack wich makes them stronger. Chris turned around to face me and his eyes went wide before he closed his locker and walked off to his class not looking back once.It felt like my hearts been ripped to shreds why did he not come see me why did he act like he dident know? "Are you ok"? Brittany asked. "Yea"Even though i felt like my hearts been ripped out I wanted to let Brittany think i was fine i dident want her to think i was weak.The bell went off for first class and i sighed heading for english by the looks of Brittanys face as i walked away i dident do a good job at covincing her. Once I got into my english class and sat in my assigned seat the teacher told us to get out are homework.Crap I dident even know we had homework for this class. "Do you have your homework Nick" "No mr.Richmon" "Ok well thats a incompleat on homework then".Then he walked off to the next student.Class went by to slowly for my liking and most of the period I have been tapping the pencil on my desk glaring at the clock.Of course that dident make it go any faster.Finally after what felt like 3 hours the bell rang for next class I walked out class and headed to the third floor were my history class would be but I hesitated when I saw Chris by his locker.Should I go and speak with him after thinking it over i desided to whats the harm he is my mate after all.I walked over to him and stoped when I was right next to him. "Chris" "Dont talk to me i dont want anything to do with you got it" "B-bu-but were mates I studerd I could feel my heart beeting rapidly in my chest and not in the good way.My wolf was pacing and worried why was are mate being so mean to us?I reached out to put my hand on his shoulder and he quickly took a step back.Tears welled up I my eyes my wolf was wimpering for the touch of his mate. "Maybe i was not clear enough im rejecting you" I looked at him with tears slowly welling up in my eyes.I took a deep shaky breath. "please dont" I wisperd my voice cracking,ill do anything but please dont reject me it hurts to much" I whisperd my voice cracking even more then it was before.Tears were runing down my face I reached up to wipe at them but more would just replace them.I could feel my eyes getting all puffy and I could tell that people were staring as they walked by a few of them even stoped to watch and listen but I did not care all I wanted was for my mate to accept me. "Dose it look like I care because I dont' he slamed his locker then walked off.I ran out of the school sobbing I knew I was I mess but I dont care I sniffled and slowly lowerd myself down on the growned and put my back against the schools wall pulling my knees to my chest and wraping my arms around my knees.I wiped my nose with the back of my hand not caring at all. Why should I care when the most important thing in my life rejected me.I laid my head back on the school wall trying to catch my breath but no matter how maney times I tryed I just couldent seem to it always just came out as short little head started to hurt and my hole body just ached.I wanted to go home but I dident want to face my fathers yet I wouldent be able to explane without breaking down.I sat there until 2:00 pm then went back into the school just before the bell rang for 7th peroid i did not really want to be here at all but I loved my 7th period class i loved to drawl it took my mind of things and it helps me calm down. Once I got into class and mrs.Rose made sure everyone was here we started working on are drawlings. The assiment is to drawl somthing that reminds you of your child hood we have been working on this for three days and its due by the end of the week im almost done with it now.I started on my drawling but stoped once i relised i was drawling a picture of Chris.Tears welled up in my eyes all over again and I quickly wiped them away not wanting anyone to see and start asking questions.I flipped my paper over and laid my head down on the table for the first time in a very long time not wanting to drawl.I heard the phone ring and a seccond later the teacher told me that the princeable wanted to see me. I slowly stood up my body feeling stiff and picked up my stuff from the table and walked out of the room.I walked down the hall to the princables office once there I knocked on the door. "Come on in" "Mr.white you wanted to see me"? "Yes I just wanted to know were you were all day after 1st period you disappeared". "I'm sorry Mr.White but I was very upset and I was in the bathroom most of the day". It was not a complete lie.Telling him that I was outside though would make it worse for me then just being in the bathroom. "Would you like to talk about whatever it was that made you upset"? I shook my head no even if i did want to talk about it I would not be able to not with him anyways.He sighed closing his eyes and pinching the cornr of his nose. "Ok Nick your never really in my office so i'm only going to give you one detention you cant just skip class even though your upset".He told me as he handed me my detention slip.I noded my head in understanding.I dont know how i was going to explane to my dads that I got detention but hopefuly they wont be to offley mad.What am I thinking there going to be pissed. "You may go now" he said just as the three o'clock bell rang.I stood up and went to my locker and put all my books in I dont have homework sence I dident have any in the two classes that I was actualy in.After all my books were in my locker I quickly walked out of the school I did not want Brittany to see me like this she would demand to know whats wrong and I really did not feel like talking about it.Once I got into the car and was driving down the road the tears started up again it made it hard to see but thankfuly I made it home alright it just took me longer and I know I worried my parents.I got five calls from dad and nine calls from poppa.I got out of the car and walked into the pack house to see poppa,dad;Josh,Annie;Kody and a few other pack members sitting around the living room.Once they saw me they all stood up.Poppa ran over to me and huged me tightly. "You scard the hell out of me why did you not pick up your phone"? "I'm sorry"crap I never apologize I hope they dont ask me wants wrong wait is my face still red from crying crap I really did not feel like answering any questions right know. "Whats wrong Nick my dad aasked walking over to me and puting his hand on my shoulder in a conferring way. "Nothing i'm just going to go up to my room" I say as I quickly walked out of the room and up the steps to my room I shut the door and throw my backpack on the floor and curl up on my bed and start to cry all over again.Five minutes later my parents come up and sit on my bed they kept asking what was wrong but after me not answering them they just sit there trying to calm me down.After about an hour I finally calmed down.I took a deep breaths in and then let them out slowly to get my chest to stop hurting. "Are you ready to tell us what happend at school to make you like this" dad asked. "what dident happen" was my only reply before I closed my eyes and fell asleep. ok chapter one is done :) i hope you like it please vote comment and fan me your votes,comment and fans keep me wanting to wright so please please im begging you do these three things or even if only one :) thanks and hope you enjoyed the first chapter of what dident happen

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