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As Osamu, Gin and Suna finally find a spot to eat their lunch, they get a FaceTime call from a certain blond setter. Osamu picks up the call from his brother, after he sits down at a table and organizes his food.

"Samu, this is the third time I've called, you didn't pick up my calls! Here I am, all alone in Tokyo and my own brother doesn't even bother to answer my desperate calls," Atsumu dramatically sighs.

"You called me in class, and we literally just found a seat too," Osamu rolls his eyes, "How's the training camp though? Is there anyone you've annoyed yet?"

"Oh let me tell you all about this setter, his name is Kageyama Tobio and he's a first year and from that team that beat Shiratoriza. He's good, not as good as me obviously, but I don't know, something about him seems off to me. It seems like he's trying to be fake or like way too nice to his spikers," Atsumu rambles.

"Okay, but someone nice, even fake nice, would be better than a setter who yells at me when I miss a singular set," Suna complains.

"Yea, well I don't have time for people who can't even hit my sets, they're hopeless," Atsumu says nonchalantly, "But anyways, there's this spiker, Sakusa Kiyoomi, and he's pretty annoying. He always has something to say about my sets, I mean he still manages to score so whatever, but it's still annoying."

"Oh he's the Itachiyama ace isn't he? We lost to their team at nationals," Ginjima mentions, "He seems like the annoying, prickly type, but man are his spikes good."

"Good or not, not many people want to work with someone prickly like that. But at the same time, I feel like I could trick him with a DN joke," Suna adds.

"DN?" Atsumu asks, confused.

"A deez nuts joke? Cmon Tsumu," Osamu explains disappointedly.

"Ohhhhh, yea, you're right. Maybe I'll try telling him a joke like that. That'll show him. Oh there's also this really short spiker, his jumps are high though," Atsumu pauses for a moment, then continues talking, "But out of all of the spikers here, none of them compare to Inariaki."

"Well clearly Sakusa is better since we lost to them," Suna retorts.

"Cmon Suna, let Atsumu have his emotional moment, It's clear he misses us, he even calls us multiple times a day," Ginjima scolds him, "Anyways Atsumu, guess who got a letter from a special someone."

"SAMU?!?" He asks excitedly, "Did y/n really give him another letter? Wait, does that mean she gave you some food too?"

"Yea, we got some more cookies," Suna smiles evilly, displaying the cookie Osamu gave him to Atsumu.

"The world is a cruel place for all Atsumus'," he sighs.

"Calm down, she gave me her recipe so I can make you more when you get home," Osamu reassures him.

"You said the same thing like a week ago when you tried replicating them, but your cookies didn't have any love in them, so they tasted terrible and like a robot made them."

"Fine, this time I'll make them with hatred, see how much you like it then."

"Noooooo," Atsumu sarcastically remarks, "I'll just ask y/n to make me some then. Oh also, tell me what the letter said, I don't want to be kept out of the loop."

"Okay, I'll recite it from memory," Suna says, "It went something like this:

"Dear Osamu,

"I am madly in love with you and anyone who goes near you is automatically my enemy, I will ensure that no one else will ever go near my ultimate husbando, anyone who does will get the yandere treatment and will suddenly find themselves at the bottom of the ocean. But will that person be dead? No! They will live forever in a suspended animation state, and be forced to just look at the weird-ass animals down there.

"Anyways, I hope you enjoy the cookies, I added in a special ingredient, if it resembles something like a brain then you're obviously delusional and need help, which you can get from me. Also disregard the overall blood-like-ness of this pen. I just changed pens because I'm such a silly little girl.

"From your one and only, y/n."

The three boys didn't say anything and instead looked at Suna with concern. Everyone already knew of his weird humour, but whenever he would tell a joke like this, they would always react the same way.

"Suna," Atsumu trails off, "What the actual fuck."

"I'm gonna have actual nightmares after that," Ginjima says.

"Yea man, that was worse than usual." Osamu says, disgusted at his friend's weird behaviour.

"Okay, okay, maybe I did go a bit far this time, I was watching this stalker movie yesterday, so that is what it was," Suna apologizes, "This is how it actually went-"

Before Suna could say another word, Ginjima interrupts him and says, "I'll tell how it actually went, who knows what horror story will come out of your mouth this time. It actually went like this:

"Dear Osamu,

"I hope you have been doing well. If I'm being honest, I wasn't expecting you to write me a letter again, or even write me a letter in the first place. The cookies, that I'm guessing you didn't share with your friends and only let your brother have, even though your friend Ginjima, who is a very talented spiker might I add, would've enjoyed them, you made were delicious.

"But while I'm talking about your friends, I should've had a crush on Ginjima, maybe then I wouldn't be so scared of the feelings I have. But I guess unfortunately you cannot control the people you fall for and even though the friend Ginjima really wants a girlfriend, he'll just have to wait and suffer in silence while all his other friends have girls fawning all over them. Even Suna has girls attracted to him and all he ever wants to do is eat, sleep or joke around. They all just like him because he's super tall, if Ginjima was taller he would be more popular-"

"Okay, we're not doing this again," Osamu interrupts Ginjima, "Tsumu, I'll just tell you what she said when I call you again at night. It was mostly just about how she was happy to hear from me though. She even said my cookies tasted good, so I was right and you were wrong."

Suddenly their lunch bell rings, and alerts the students it's time for the classes again. The boys quickly say goodbye to Atsumu, who is getting ready for the training camp to start again, and part ways to go to their classes.

While on the way to class, Osamu notices a familiar face in the sea of people. He sees you, being jostled around by taller, larger boys, but just as he was about to help you break free, your friend Tae charges in and yells at the boys for taking up the entire hallway. They hold their heads down in shame and clear a pathway for you and Tae, the relief and gratitude on your face brought a small smile to the grey haired boy. Even though you didn't notice Osamu, Tae sees him in the hallway moments later, and quickly sends him an instagram message, without you knowing, about how you are expecting a reply to your letter.

Osamu smiles again after reading the text, and places his phone back in his pocket.

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