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It is a normal day for Miya Osamu. He wakes up earlier than his twin, and eagerly heads down for the breakfast his mom prepares. He helps her a little then enjoys his food as he tries to tune out his brothers whines and complaints about school.

"Why didn't you wake me up too?" Atsumu complains, taking a seat at the table.

"I left the alarm ringing for like five minutes, it's not my fault you didn't hear it."

"Whatever, just don't take too long eating, we still have morning practice," the blonde says.

"You take forever to style your hair, so don't take too long."

"Yea yea, whatever," Atsumu says, putting his dirty dishes in the dishwasher and walking to their shared washroom.

Osamu puts his plate in the dishwasher and goes to get ready for school. He finds his twin brother still in front of the mirror trying to style his mustard-coloured hair.

"You're still styling your hair?" Osamu asks, combing through his own hair, "No matter how much you style it, it's still gonna look pretty dead."

"Whatever, even with my dead hair I still get more girls than you," he responds with a smug look on his face.

Before Osamu had the chance to say anything back, Atsumu left the washroom quickly to change into his clothes and get his bag ready.

The twins leave their house minutes later, and head for school together, meeting up with their fellow teammates, Suna and Ginjima on the way. The four boys get to the gym moments later and prepare for the morning practice. While morning practices aren't difficult in terms of how much stamina they have to use, the fact that they are held early in the morning annoy almost the entire team, except for their diligent captain.

"You guys didn't get enough sleep yesterday did you?" Kita asks his team, "All of you look a lot more tired than usual."

"The morning practices are so early though," Atsumu complains, "Couldn't we hold morning practice a little later and then just end after school practice later than usual."

"You'll have to talk to Kurosu sensei about it, but for tomorrow make sure you get a good night's sleep. We can end a little earlier today, so you can all recover before class starts," Kita replies.

The tired boys let out a sigh of relief, as they clean up the nets and go change. With extra time to spare, they hang out in some common area and goof off until their classes start.

"Osamu, did you start studying for our math test?" Suna asks, looking up from his phone.

"Nah, I'll probably start tomorrow or something."

"Isn't the test tomorrow?"

"It is?" he asks, eyes widening.



"Ha, you're screwed," Atsumu laughs.

"Like you never been screwed for a test before," Ginjima calls him out, "You completely forgot about our chem test last week, and then you also forgot about the modern Japanese test."

"Yea remember middle school when you didn't study for your English test and made me take it for you," Osamu mentions.

"Okay okay, this isn't attack Atsumu hour, so you don't need to mention this all," the blonde says.

"Atsumu being attacked hour is probably my favourite hour," Suna smiles.

"Well I'm glad it's your favourite, CAUSE IT'S NOT MINE," Atsumu complains, "Whatever, I'm going to class early."

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