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Three weeks passed since Osamu figured out the identity of his secret admirer. The Inter High competition finished and the team placed in second, allowing them to take a small, well-deserved break from their strenuous practices. School is also on a short break.

Now, Osamu is lying down on his bed aimlessly scrolling through tik toks trying to kill some time. His brother, who is practicing volleyball outside, continues to "accidentally" hit the ball against Osamu's window, somehow not breaking it, which annoys the grey haired teen who just wanted some peace and quiet.

It may have been three weeks since he found out your identity, but that was also the last time he got a note and treats from you. Suna saved the letter from Sasaki's clutches when Osamu chased after you, but the cupcakes, which were squashed on the ground, were unsalvageable. With the school break ending in a week, he hoped that you would continue to send letters and treats. He didn't care that much about what you sent him, deep down in his confused heart, he knew he just wanted something from you so he would know that you are okay.

The volleyball hits the window once again, interrupting Osamu's train of thoughts. This time, however, it wasn't an accident. Atsumu isn't dense, most people at school assume he is based on the childish way he acts, but when it concerns the people he cares for, he notices. So this time, instead of apologizing for hitting the window, he invites his twin outside to try and distract him for a moment. While Atsumu doesn't know every detail that happened, the things Suna told him was enough for him to know that you are occupying Osamu's mind.

"You know for someone who is called 'the best high school setter' you sure are hitting my window a lot, like aren't setters supposed to be really precise," Osamu says annoyed, while opening his window to yell at Atsumu.

"First, my sets are precise, it's not my fault if you don't have the skill to hit them at times. Second, this time was intentional, come play volleyball with me for a bit."

"This is why Itachiyama's ace doesn't like you."

"Sakusa? Please, he is just jealous of my overwhelming talent. I'm all skill, while he's only good cause of his creepy wrist thing. He wishes he was me," Atsumu mentions confidently, "Wait stop distracting me, you are supposed to be getting ready to play with me."

"I don't want to," Osamu complains, "Besides, I'm too busy scrolling through this food tik tokers page. Their food looks so good."

"Come on, just play for a bit. I'll even make you food if you play."

Atsumu notices Osamu perk up at the mention of food and instantly knows Osamu will be outside in a bit since he is very easily bribed with food. He watches Osamu as he begrudgingly puts a hoodie on and leaves his room. Minutes later, Osamu is outside and is cold.

"Why didn't you tell me it was this cold?" he asks, shivering.

"It's not that cold, you're just a baby. Now get ready, we'll just pass the ball back and forth," Atsumu replies.

He sets the volleyball in Osamu's direction and watches as his twin bumps the ball back to him with near perfect precision. It was games like these where Atsumu and Osamu would perform their best, but only due to the fact that neither wanted to lose to the other.

A couple passes later, the skin on their forearms started getting red and small beads of sweat trailed their hairlines.

"So you figured out your admirers identity," Atsumu starts, "Are you gonna do anything about it?"

Osamu sets the ball back to Atsumu and replies, "If this is your way of messing me up so you win, it's not gonna work."

"It's not! I just genuinely wanna know," Atsumu says, spiking the ball harder than usual.

"Whatever your intentions, I don't care. I'm not gonna let anything mess me up. You're all so nosy," Osamu responds, whispering the last part.

"YOU ARE CALLING ME NOSY," Atsumu yells, spiking the ball at Osamu again, "That's real rich coming from someone who is literally running from how they feel inside. At least my nosiness is helping you figure out your feelings, cause clearly you wouldn't have done anything unless Suna and I said something to you."

"I'm not running from any feelings, I'm respecting the feelings of others," Osamu snaps back, bumping the ball back, "I know you don't understand how to respect others opinions, but not everyone is like you."

"HA, you really wanna talk about respecting feelings. You are worse than me," Atsumu laughs. He returns the volleyball and sets it much higher than usual. "You NEVER said thank you to any of your fangirls. You basically crushed their entire self esteem by never even acknowledging them. The least you could've done was say thank you or at least smile, but no you had to be the 'cool, nonchalant Osamu.'"

"I didn't ask to have fangirls. I didn't ask for girls to like me. If I could I would have preferred not having any at all," Osamu responds. He barely manages to return the ball back.

"So what, you don't like y/n at all then?" Atsumu asks, spiking the ball directly at Osamu.

"I never said I don't," he says firmly. Osamu tries to return the spike Atsumu mercilessly sent towards him, but once it makes contact with his skin, it bounces off in a different direction than intended.

The boys watch the volleyball as it falls to ground.

Instead of gloating in his victory, Atsumu just says, "Figure your shit out before you hurt her and yourself."

He picks up the volleyball and walks back into their house, leaving Osamu alone in the cold.

food for your heart? | miya osamuUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum