04. Take on me

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Twenty months after 'I do';

If Theo had learned one thing in the decade that he'd known Daphne, it was that Greengrass weddings were a spectacle. A great, big massive fucking event.

Their weddings cost an indecent amount of money, the type of galleons that would make most wizarding families feel sick, and his wedding to Daphne had been no different.

She'd imported chairs and table decorations from France because she insisted that they simply could not be married without them. She booked the most elegant venue she could find- which might as well have been a fucking castle - and her wedding dress - fuck, Theo had never even bothered to ask how much that cost. He didn't want to know.

He knew nothing about wedding dresses, but even he could tell it was expensive. Obscenely expensive. Her dress was so different but so uniquely Daphne that it looked as though it had been designed just for her.

It had been strapless and hugged her in tightly at the waist, and it was made of the softest silk that seemed to shine like a hundred little diamonds. The dress had a slit up the side that trailed up to her hip, and the way the fabric fit together meant that the slit wasn't visible when she was stood still, but when she walked, it gave a glimpse of her long legs.

It could have cost a thousand galleons, it could have cost a million, but the way she'd glowed as she walked down the aisle towards him, the way she'd flashed him her dimples was worth it. Worth it a thousand times over.

But almost two years later, Theo still shuddered every time he thought about how much it must have cost.

Malfoy had paid for everything as a wedding present to the both of them, and although Theo never knew the exact amount the day had cost, he knew from the way Malfoy's nostrils flared when he received the bill that it was much more than the Nott family could have ever afforded.

Yes, Greengrass weddings were the absolute party event of the season, and when a Greengrass was planning her wedding, it was best for the grooms - and any men really - to stay away. As far away as humanly fucking possible.

Unfortunately, Theo hadn't been informed that the wedding committee was meeting that morning, and as soon as he stepped into the kitchen - half dazed and searching for his morning coffee - he was fucked. The heartbeat the sisters had laid eyes on him, he was trapped, caught like a fly in a black widows web.

He was enlisted in their wedding cult and became their slave for the day. They had him running around fetching flowers for them to play with, picking up samples of fabric and preparing them pot after pot of tea.

The Greengrass's little bitch, that was what Blaise and Draco had christened him from afar. They'd made jokes and chuckled under their breaths as he'd run past with his purchases. He paid them no mind because they were both cowards, hiding in the shadows of Malfoy's Manor because they were terrified that if they got too close to the sisters, they would be roped into wedding duties too.

From the day Blaise had proposed to Astoria, he'd watched her plan their wedding from afar. The only details he knew about his upcoming nuptials were his bride, the colour and fit of his suit - that she had picked out, of course - and the date and time he was required at the aisle. Blaise left everything else to the Greengrass sisters to organise and stayed as far away as was gentlemanly, the smart bastard.

It felt like the girls had Theo running from one end of the country to the other to get their supplies. They had him Floo'ing into London to pick up bridal magazines and Apparating to Cardiff to pick up samples of wine that they just needed to taste test for the reception.

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