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It's brutal out here



Hey you ready?

when will you pick me up?

In like 30 minutes

Why so long lmao

I just got in my car
I have to pick up Yangyang first

Oh why

his car isn't working lmao💀

You aren't picking up Jihyo?

She's not coming, she said she's busy

Oh Alright see you
Seen, 4:00 pm

Areum put phone in her pocket. Waiting for Jeno to pick her up, she went down to the living room, practiced playing on her acoustic guitar, her piano, watched TV, anything she would do on a Saturday afternoon.

"Where are you going?" Kei asked on his way down from the stairs, seeing Areum dressed up.

"Yeah where you going Areum?" Mark copied her brother as he entered through the front door.

Areums eyes widened seeing Mark enter.

"What are you doing here?" She whispered to Mark in a loud but quiet tone forgetting her brother was around.

"What do you mean what am I doing here? I live here." Kei asked judging her.

"Oh- im not talking to you- forget it, aren't you suppose to be at soccer practice right now? Im going to this party hangout thing" Areum stuttered awkwardly speaking to her brother who was so concerned for her well-being right now.

"Well I'm here because the rest aren't here... well  Hyuck is sleeping so" Mark rambled.

Areum coughed in a sign for Mark to stop.

"Areum do you need water? what are you looking at? Looks like you're seeing a ghost" Kei said looking around trying to see what she was looking at.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine, my throat is just dry. You're crazy bro, im looking at you. Kei ghost aren't real, if they were real then that would be concerning and scary likeeee" Areum rambled.

"Slow down you're brother will think you're more crazy" Mark laughed. Areum rolled her eyes

"Okay... well my ride for soccer is here so peace" Kei waved bye leaving the house.

"Bye" She greeted him.

Areums face went red, embarrassed by what happened. "Do you always have to come when there's people around?"

"Yeah... I'll practice not coming on bad timing" Mark suggested.

"Thanks" Areum said sarcastically.

"You look busy by the way- oh sweet acoustic guitar!" Mark said distracted by the guitar beside her, he tried so many times to pick it up until he got it. "where did you get it?" He asked admiring the guitar

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