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September 2nd.


Pretty boring day.

But exhaustion.

I've been so damn exhausted for the last few days. Sleeping more and barely doing anything. I listen to music and lay in bed. All day.

Besides school work.

I fucking hate school.

Its easy work right now but it still makes me so damn angry.

I mean. Fucking math? No. Fuck it. Fuck me. Fuck you.

So, I took a nap today after I woke up at 7 AM.  From about 11:30AM to almost 2 PM. My sister kept being rude and barging into my room loudly and scare me like hell. Because I had to replace the toilet paper.

I yelled at her and fucking growled. I never growled at anyone before. But she got me in such a terrible mood I was almost crying.

  Then I was falling back to sleep again. And she came in again and told me I couldn't nap. Snapped and growled again.

  Finally, I got sleep and slept an hour, and my mom opens my door. "What are you doing? You can't sleep."

  I slept anyway. Then I had to sit downstairs and do nothing for twenty minutes for my dad to take my mom to work. I did nothing. Laid there and almost fell back to sleep.

  All I want to do is sleep. But no. I can't fucking sleep because I didn't finish my work. WHICH I FINISHED BY THE WAY

Sleep. Sleep and music. Music and write. Boredom. Lay in my bed with my pink LED lights and just lay there. Do nothing.

  I'm getting pretty bad here.

  Music hits harder now. I need it more.

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