I look at the tall building in front of us, slamming the car door shut and looking at the boys, "If we get murdered or hate crimed in here- it's not on me." They chuckle before Zayn walks up too the door, with a sign over its head that reads, Entry here.

"We can wait in the car if you don't-" He looks over too me, as the other too enter the structure, over the car.

"No, it's alright, just don't do anything- too gay." I walk around the car, joining him.

"Alright baby," He grabs my hand from my side, not even paying attention too what he's doing. He leads me too the door, I try too restrain myself but quickly give in.


I squeeze his hand as we step in, the setting dark and cold. A breeze flies in from no where in particular. I look around, searching for Niall and Zayn, they seem too know where they're going. Unlike us, we stand awkwardly peering at the shelves.

Boxes upon boxes are lined up on shelves that sky scrape over our heads. The silence not breaking, no background noise, a perfect place for murder. I step forward, peering inside one of the boxes, loads of different fireworks sit, waiting too be brought then exploded, I wonder if they know their doom.

"Jeez, it's eerily weird in here," His presents is weary as he stands behind me, not seeming too be further then 3cm apart at all times.

"Let's go look around," I smile, this is oddly enjoyable.

"Let's go look around- for Zayn." He repeats adding his own decision too the end.

I walk down an aisle, the lighting alone scaring Harry. His grizzly bear exterior doesn't match for his puppy-like personality, wouldn't hurt a fly if he didn't need too.

No employees insight, makes me suspect something weirds going on. We continue on, up and down the aisles, no difference between each. I peer in the boxes as Harry looks around, probably for Zayn.

"Lou..." He whispers, after looking around for a while.

"Yes?" I look up too him, placing the firework back in the box in front of me, 15 pounds? One firework? Rip off.

"There's a door. No ones around. You wanted too explore?"

"I do want too look around, yes. We're not finding Zayn and Niall anytime soon." I step forward as Harry leads in front.

He knocks on the door, too no reply, he twists the doorknob. The door slowly pushes open, a room with no light stands in front of us, "Is there a light switch?" I ask, now standing next too him.

He steps into the room, "No, but there's a nice breeze." He's right, a breeze hits my legs as I step next too him.

More shelves stand in the room, full off even more boxes. But this room not part of the warehouse, it's considerately smaller. I can see all four of the walls from the front door.

He turns too face me as I continue too inspect the room, no one in sight from where we are, "Your cheekbones look unreal in this lighting." He places a finger on my cheek, slowly bringing it across my face.

"Are you horny or something?" I ask, removing his hand and placing it back by his side.

He nodds, I let out a sigh, Jesus.

I step closer too him, looking into his bright eyes, the lighting from the warehouse shines over half off his face. I stroke his jawline and admire his grace quietly. I go too turn away when he grabs my hand, tightly holding on.

"Please fuck me." His voice aggitated, riddled with guilt. Ashamed of having too ask, he pulls me closer too him, I see sweat dripping off his forehead as he looks down at me.

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